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Is she cutting?

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Excuse my ignorance of this cutting "phenomenon", but I have not known anyone who cuts, nor have I observed anyone who has cut in the past, so forgive me any display of my ignorance on the whole subject.


The reason why I posted this topic is because I observed someone (who I usually sit with next to in one tutorial class and speak with quite well and comfortably, although we do not speak much out of class) who appeared to have what I would describe as "healing cuts" on the back of her hand.


The healing cuts were on the back of her right hand, and so I take it that this might be relevant information because if she is cutting, she is doing so with her dominant left hand and I suppose it would be unusual for it to be otherwise if that was the case.


Another thing I noticed about these healing cuts is that they were no ordinary scratches, because they were not consistent.


They were going in all sorts of directions, some long and some short, and they all seemed to be done purposely, because there was no evidence of any sort of rogue scratching, of the kind that you would receive from going through a prickly bush.


They were quite precise, but did not all look that bad, because as I said they looked like they were healing and in a very good way too.


Now, I would like to know the opinion of anyone who comes accross this post as to whether she is cutting the back of her hand?


This is what I want to establish.


The answer might seem very obvious to some, but I am confused and would like to know.


Just to clear my intentions, I am asking this question out of interest (not intending to do anything upon an affirmative or negative answer), but it does concern me a little because I find her quite an intelligent person and would hope there is some other positive explanation.

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well...i have cuts alllll over my hands and bottom parts of my arms because i play with my cats a lot. maybe she has cats?


normally ive known cutters to cut parts of their body that can be hidden like on their upper arms and upper parts of their legs.


if she is a cutter...you prob wouldnt want to blurt out and ask that. maybe talk to her more and more so that she can trust you.

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well...i have cuts alllll over my hands and bottom parts of my arms because i play with my cats a lot. maybe she has cats?


normally ive known cutters to cut parts of their body that can be hidden like on their upper arms and upper parts of their legs.


if she is a cutter...you prob wouldnt want to blurt out and ask that. maybe talk to her more and more so that she can trust you.


I'm quite confident they are not cat scratches, although I could be wrong, so I will further describe them.


They are all of the same kind, only single (i.e. none were accompanied by another one going in the same direction), there are several of them, and they go in all different sorts of directions.


They are only on the back of one hand, and she had her arms exposed too, which looked fine.


I've read of someone cutting in exposed areas before and not making very good attempts at hiding them, on this very site or forum I am sure, so that is why I ask.


I have no intention of asking her about it, like I have already stated, although I did consider asking in a very casual way what they were after class yesterday after class, but decided not to because I felt that it was not right for me to put her on the spot.


It still concerns me though, since I am on good speaking terms with her, relatively speaking.


Anyway, whether she is cutting or not, it doesn't look too serious on her hand, because they are fading and looked not very recent.


Thanks for your reply.

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I've always been a hand cutter (not solely as last night I chose my outer hip but it is my favorite place) my cuts have always been very uniform and deliberate looking though. It started as a teenager in middle school with erasing the skin from the backs of my hands which would cause what looked like burns streaking down from my knuckles to my wrists that would ooze and scab up (I know that isn't a pretty thought). Since then I have moved on to needing to see blood when I cut so I cut uniform parallel lines into the area between my thumb and wrist.

I personally have never known anyone to scratch randomly but that doesn't mean that people don't do it.

I personally would leave her alone and not question it if you aren't close friends.

If you are just dying to know (I've been in that situation) I would just casually say something like "Ouch what happened to your hand?" and then accept whatever answer she gives you without pushing it.

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I would presume by the way that you describe the cuts on the girl's hand that they are deliberate. I know a lot of people who cut and described it as a way of showing other people that their pain is real. She may be cutting in a place where people notice, but she can still hide it if she's uncomfortable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, in my follow-up glances I noticed no additional cuts and the cuts were faintly there, noticeable only up really close, since they were almost healed.


I have no intention of mentioning it unless I see anything new back on the back of her hand, and then in a subtle way, if that.


Thanks for all of your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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