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can someone wake up one day and no longer love their partner

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its a tough question. see everyone approaches love differently. as well everyone has a differnt definition of what love is. i believe that feelings can change. and really we may say they change gradually, many casees they do but sometimes it isnt gradual. its just a matter of something serious happening. i mean im not sure what you're talking about specifically but i jus think that you shouldnt doubt that this person loved you just because they dont anymore. to you it may seem sudden and maybe it is but it doesnt mean that love wasnt there.

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It would be unusual unless she cheated on him or did something really bad to him. Usually, people take some time leaving a relationship in their own mind before actually breaking up.


What happened with you?

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yup, i hit him while drunk - im not copeing to welll and its still over - not looking for things to keep me hanging on, just for answers, understandin - i dont believe love just switches off like he is telling me it did - ive imposed NC as he thinks we can immediately be friends

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I think it's not impossible for someone to fall out of love for someone else if something happens IF they've been together for a relatively short period of time (3-5 months). But if it's been over a year or more, and both truly loved each other, then I think you just can't forget the person in a day.

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well not that i know of you cant love someone one day then not the next day love is a feeling that is shared and it is very specail. now unless someone did wrong in the relationship then you will have problems but you would still love that person no manner what

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probably, but he came to counselling with me the other day and when he was asked if he was thinking about breaking up with me before that nite he said no... i believe him - there was really never any reason to believe he was pulling away, he always forgave me so easily every other time... yes i understand it may be the straw that broke the camels back but he is still saying that he just woke up and didnt love me anymore....


if someone doesnt love you anymore is it easier for them to want to be friends? now we are having troubles because he cant see why i cant be friends with him staright away - i know i derserve this after what ive done to him - and i have imposed no contact on us for a while - sending him a message asking him to contact me when he feels like it, when he misses me (which may be never, and is killing me)... how do you go from loving someone so much you forgive them for anything to snapping and giving up?

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then wake up the next day and no longer be in love?i
dont believe love works like that, can it?



I believe that one day you can love somebody and the next day it is over. I have done this on 3 occasions in my life. 2 of these relationships I had I cannot explain why I felt this way. My ex husband, however, was in the stew pot for awhile and I think one day I woke up and actually accepted the fact that I didn't love him anymore and stopped trying to fight it.


So I am sorry Buzz, but it can happen.

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Here's my point of view. True love never dies. It changes. It becomes less passionate and less exciting and becomes warmer and softer. But you never stop loving that person. I believe that if you decide one day that you just don't love your partner anymore, then it wasn't real love to begin with.

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