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i heard my girlfriend is cheating on me but she won't admit

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my friend told me that my girlfriend is cheating on me, that she tried to get with him and that she is having sex with someone else but he won't tell me who. i told her someone had told me she was cheating but she won't admit anything. she kissed another guy a few months ago but she admitted it to me after the other guy told me and she said it was a mistake and it wouldn't happen again. i don't want to believe it but my friend told me he knows its true and hes never given me a reason to not believe him about something. what can i do if she won't admit it, i'm not sure i can end our relationship without knowing for myself. our relationship is really serious and we were going to get married not long from now. i care a lot about her but i don't know what to do about this. i have to know the truth about what has happened because if she hasn't had sex with anyone else but has done other things then it will be really hard and i couldn't marry her so soon, but i may be able to get past it with her eventually, but if she has had sex with someone else then it takes away how special it is when we are together. plz help. thanks.

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I think you should have a serious talk with your gf. You can't have a serious r/s and don't trust on each other. And I don't think the sex here is the important part. If I'm in a serious r/s, I don't like my bf is kissing someone else or having thoughts on being with another girl.

Maybe your gf is not commited you the r/s like you are.

And, of course, you have to consider the possibility of your friend isn't telling you the truth. I'm not saying he is lying to you deliberately, but he may be wrong.

Anyway, the point here: talk to her and analyze what you want from this r/s.


Good luck.

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you need to let her know how serious you are about this. She is taking advantage of you in a very bad way; she thinks you will stick around no matter what she does. Show her that she is wrong. You need to at least tell her that you can't be with her anymore because you don't trust that she is being honest and truthful with you. Show her that you can walk away and live fine without her. That will surely wake her up man. Be strong!! Don't let her treat you like a doormat!!

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Why would your friend tell you something like that. When ever a friend involves himself in another persons relationship, they are just looking for trouble. You need look at your girlfriend and ask yourself if there's anything different. Does she go out alone with her friends? Work late? Take trips alone, or with friends, but without you? If she doesn't and if she is home a lot & says she's not cheating on you, I would tell your friend to butt out of the realtionship. Tell him you appreciate him being concerned and also say that you will pay more attention to what she does. Maybe your friend wants her for himself.

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