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guys are simple minded?

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i have this friend who's a guy. somehow the other night he told me that i'm naive for thinking that guys are capable of having a relationship without sex. he told me that the only reason guys communicate with girls if for sex. personally i think he's a shallow arrogant bastard for saying that, but is he right? would guys have sex with girls that they're not in a relationship with just because the oppertunity is there?

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Believe it or not he's pretty much on the target. Guys give love to get sex. Girls do the opposite in most cases. Also many guys fantasize about having sex with their friends that are females. That's why smart guys don't trust girls who have more guy friends then girls. It's just asking for trouble


We are like most male animals...it's normal...even though it seems abnormal. If we didn't have 30 times the level of testerosterone in our body compare to females, we'll be girls!

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Even though i would really hate to admit this, we do think about sex when we talk to girls (most girls). There are some girls who are good friends and we dont really fantasize about them. I think any guy who says he doesn't think about sex is either lying or is impotent. Like sidehop said, we are animals at the most basic level.

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I dont know about that...some of you guys must be younger..maybe its only me in college. Now I'm not a frickin animal like the above said, I dont think about sex all the time....but if I happened to meet some girl at a party or something, and that's what it turned into, and she wanted it to...that's an opportunity that'd be hard to turn down.


But the fact that he said that's the only reason we communicate with girls...no, that's wrong. The thing I've been most recently surprised with once I got to college is that girls are just as bad...so dont pin the blame on all the sexual thoughts and fantasies to just guys.

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its all about scare tactics...yeah you might think its cool to hook up with a chick at a party...




but just wait until the day one of your dudes wakes up with HIV and can't go out with you anymore because his viral load is dangerously high. Thats enough to make anybody say no to sex



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Thinking about sex with a girl and actually doing it are two different things. Even the so called really 'nice' guys are thinking about it ... they just deny it because they are scared.

If we (men) have sex with every girl we meet then its scary.

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Hm... for those who replied YES, let me create you a situation. If you're currently in love with a girl (who is not your girlfriend yet) and say for example due to reasons, you cannot have her. You know you want to be with her. Would your intent be to have sex with her? Or would you want to hold onto her more than anything else?

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Yes he's shallow, but he does have a point tho. Thing is not all men think that way. I myself think thats wrong as well. Whats the point in having sex when your not in a relationship with that person? I'll just end up feeling empty, used etc.


~Spirit's Away~

cant really answer that question since I believe the only way to love someone is if there your girlfirend.


-Id want to hold onto her more than anything else.

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hey one of the posters, it was a veryy interesting thing he said. that guys give love for sex while girls do the opposite: give sex for love. OMGG IS HE ON THE MONEY OR WAHT!! cmon, look a guy will be in a relationship without sex, but it is what he wants in the end it is going to be on his mind. and with all honesty there must be a phsyical attraction for there to be a relationsihp which means you would hope to get his dick up eveyr once inawhile right? but its not to say that guys wont be in a relationship if there isnt sex, if they realllly like you they'll wait. but there must be something there! and wow you know honestly the reason i do the things i do with my guy is probably because i know in those moments he makes me feel loved.

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Sidehop, thank you for being so honest! You're not the only one who's mentioned that line. My guy friend told me the same thing: "Guys give love to get sex; girls give sex to get love." Alrighty, I know it sounds a bit depressing, but based on what I've noticed so far, it's true. About sexually fantasizing about friends, it's actually creepy to hear that some people do this. It makes me question their intentions for simply just being friends. Anyway, I guess some people aren't like this, while others won't admit it. I'd rather be oblivious to all of this, but I can't. I guess it's just a trial & error with every person that we meet.

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I think it's a natural desire. Nothing good nothing bad. One of the poster framed the question very accurately. Do guys get into a relationship for sex? No - we do desire sex, and like suprema said, so do female, but that's not the reason why we get into a relationship. Relationship and sex sort of comes together. Kind of like an anticipation when you're in a relationship. But you cannot disregard those who hold virtue higher than their own desire. Just because you are one, you cannot say for the other guys that we are ALL like that. I think the answer is a matter of "how many percent of the guys are?" rather than a simple yes or no.

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As usual, Spirit'sAway asked a very good question. I think that it's possible for a guy to not impose on the topic of sex, even if he's been with his g/f for a long time. See, that's where women need to realize what kind of guy they're dealing with. They need to be able to distinguish on the fact that their b/f's consider them as 'good for now' kind of girls or the 'girl you take home to mama' kinda of girls. Even then, even if a guy were to take a gal home to his mama, it isn't always because he's serious. But, we get the point.


Anyway, if a guy truly cares about a girl, I honestly believe that he would wait on sex and that is not the only thing that is on his mind. Now, if the opportunity presents itself and he's single: girl who he's physically attracted to throws herself at him, I don't see how he can turn it down. However, there are some guys who are genuinely nice guys who wouldn't. They are much appreciated! Or, it could be that some guys might not jump at the opportunity because they have self-control and are aware of the fact that contracting stds is highly possible due to the fact that the chick is so easy.


Bottom line: if a guy's sincere about his woman, he's into her because he finds something about her intriguing (this goes beyond sexual desires). It's that special something that keeps him around, not the booty, because punany is a dime a dozen!

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OK, here's my honest to God answer: whenever i engaged in a conversation with a female between ages (16-55)+/- I think about sex, and all the ways i could possible engage in sex ..or something related to "sex"..to the least..I admit it. Its perverted, but I cannot help it .(.any advice???)..I wonder am I one of the few or all men are alike??? Sounds "sick'', but at least I'm honest!!!..

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I will not generalize and lump guys together, all I can do is answer for myself. I am shallow and arrogant because I believe the same thing, the end result is to have sex. Does that happen all the time, no but thats just me. Given the opportunity to have sex with a girl that I wasnt involved with if the opportunity presented itself, yes I have done that.

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I have lots of female friends that I don't think are attractive. Thinking about sex and potential mates is perfectly natural and I think women do it just as much as men, they just rationalise it differently. In the end I think it comes down to the individual, and you can't generalise with 'men' and 'women' and two enormous groups where everyone is the same. So no, I would say that most healthy minded men have women as friends for the sake of friendship and not some ulterior motive. Of course you will have exceptions, particularly among younger men. Of course, let's not forget that since men are the ones that are supposed to pursue the women, it is up to the man to look for potential mates otherwise the human race would die out. Women, on the other hand, are free to sit back and let men do the chasing.

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I don't really care if I ever have sex. Sex really isn't a big thing for me and I have a lot of female friends and about three or four guy friends. I may not have a gf but I would never love someone just for sex, I would love her for her and her love.

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Girls talk to guys for sex to. Girls like sex just as much as guys. Nothing shallow about it. And no. plenty of men want a relationship/love just as much as anybody else. Sex is just part of the deal.

However it is perfectly rational to wait awhile to have sex. If they care about you, they can wait. (not forever though).

However most guys in their teens and early twenties are primairly interested in the sex part more than the relationship. They grow out of that though.

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