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hmm idk if she likes me

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I don't really understand what your question is- apparently she likes you otherwise she wouldn't write I love ____ or _____ loves me... hello!?!?!

She can't do EVERYTHING to make this happen- you have her number- she took the first move of putting her number in your phone- call the girl!

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Come on!! You can't be serious. If she writes all the time I love ___ she doesn't mean as a friend. I can almost guarentee you that there buddy She grabbed your phone put her number in it, always says hi put your number into her phone asked if you were going to a party- what else does this girl have to do? Get a plane and have them spell it out in the clouds? lol. Ask her out! You have her number

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That's what I am saying. She can't do everything to make this happen... You've got to take steps too. She probably thinks that you don't like her since you haven't called or made any advances twords asking her out.

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ill probably ask her to hang out but I say that now then when it comes time I get madd nervous.


this is what she wrote on myspace


xxxx!!!!! i freakin loveee youuu lol ... global wouldnt be the same without youu ... hmmm what about that glovee ??? xxxx are you highhh ??? haha thats an everyday thing or what about throwing all the papers on the floor lol ur too funny nickk and me writing on u almost everydayy u lovee it nickk lol mwaaa *


this is some of the stuff on my book from that class that she wrote


im putting my name as xxxx cause if any1 saw this i would be so embarressed


I love xxxx AAF


I love you xxxx

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She's putting up a forward front but trust me, as intimidating as she may seem, she is just as scared as you are.


"Courage is not the absense of fear."


Don't ask us if she likes you. Ask her. After all her flirting, you deserve to know where she's coming from.


And the only way to know where someone comes from, is to go there.


You go there, girlfriend. Umm... boyfriend...


You go, guy.


Yeah, that's what I meant.

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If you dont ask her out FIVE MINUTES within reading this, i'm grabbing you, forcing you to look at every one of Shinobies "wah, i've never even touched a girls hand before and i'm 17" posts and showing you what you could become IF YOU DONT ASK HER OUT ALREADY.


Could she make it any more obvious? omg. XD Sure, girls flirt casually sometimes.. but not that much with someone they're not interested in

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Well if u like her..the time to do sumthing is now.



If she never calls u sayin she wants to hang out its becuz shes done everything she needs to do as a girl, give the guy enuf clues that she likes him, now the guy must do his part of the relationship and ask her out.


btw her putting ur number in her phone is a clear obviouse sign she likes u dude same w/ the ____ loves _____ stuff a lil immiture but thats how she is accept it..

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