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Everything posted by damnboy

  1. i got my phone stolen today! good reason to get her number tomorrow though. BUt I don't know if she likes me cause she always talks about hanging out with senior guys and stuff.
  2. nah that wouldn't work cause shes hit me up before and I've hit her up before. PLus that would sound really gay if I called and said I wanted to make sure the number worked.
  3. what I'm asking is how should I do it. Out of nowhere just what are you doing tonight?
  4. I got a new phone and she said do you have my number in here then put it in. I just don't know what to say to her because we've never talked about hanging out.
  5. I'm shy around some people. No one goes to the movies or anything around here really. Should I just ask her what shes doing, idk I feel kind of weird cause she never said anything about hanging out.
  6. I think this girl in one of my classes might like me. She talks to me during that period and stuff alot and writes things like i love you I wanna hang out with her but I don't know what to say. I think it would be kinda weird for me to call her out of no where and ask her what shes doing so I gotta ask her in school.
  7. ill probably ask her to hang out but I say that now then when it comes time I get madd nervous. this is what she wrote on myspace xxxx!!!!! i freakin loveee youuu lol ... global wouldnt be the same without youu ... hmmm what about that glovee ??? xxxx are you highhh ??? haha thats an everyday thing or what about throwing all the papers on the floor lol ur too funny nickk and me writing on u almost everydayy u lovee it nickk lol mwaaa * this is some of the stuff on my book from that class that she wrote im putting my name as xxxx cause if any1 saw this i would be so embarressed I love xxxx AAF I I love you xxxx
  8. ya true, I just dont wanna take things to serrious when its nothing.
  9. ya I guess but she hasn't called me or anything and that was a few months ago that she gave me her number.
  10. umm well maybe she just loves me as a friend or something
  11. i dont really wanna say anything unless i know for sure because I'll feel like an idiot otherwise.
  12. i think this girl in one of my classes might like me. She talks to me during that period and stuff alot and writes things like i love you
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