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I agree. My current girlfriend felt the same way. She's 13 years older than I am, and although I thought she was hot and she thought I was hot, she was really apprehensive about even going on a date. Turns out, when we are together, neither of us even notice an age gap. (Not even when the man at the chinese restaurant said "mother and daughter, right?") LOL


I would suggest finding a way to hang out with her in a group and see what her vibe is like. If she's into you, sometimes the flirty energy is all it takes to persuade someone to relax their "dating rules".


Good luck!!!! K

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well there can be the pros and cons. age with me and my guy wasent that bad, three yrs apart but age is just a number. he made a good point that bums on the streets are legally adults. they ARE by the government, but really they arent at mind. they have minds like children do. that is what he said to me. it made a lot of sense. basically he means that you have an age but sometimes your mentality level can be diffent.


the cons: age is just a number. its all in how mature on is.

the pros: is that sometimes the younger person needs some time to grow up a little. the other significant other that is older is probably done growing up and they know exactly who they are, they know what they want and they have experiences. what i mean by tthis is that sometimes age matters in ways on maturity level.


good luck..

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dj kittie b made a good point about chronological age and experience. I think you can fall for someone of any age and if your friend is really into you then age shouldn't be that big of a deal. There's only 7 yrs, which can seem like a big age difference, but not if you have common ground and interests. Just flirt with her to let her know that you are into you and try to find common ground. People like people who like us and people who are similar to ourselves! Good luck and let us know if she loosens her dating rules!

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My girlfriend is 44 and I am 29. We've had many obstacles since getting together 2 years ago. First she's my first woman (and I hope only) and two because she was insecure about our age. The thing is once we got together she noticed I knew more about the 80's then she did. I have a somewhat of an old soul. I just told her what she would be missing out on and that if she was to scared, then let life pass her up. We only live once and there's no going back. Go and tell her how you feel. There are no guarentees even if the age is closer. Let me know how it goes!! Good luck. P.S. If the bar scene is a problem then tell her to go with her friends and you'll hang out with yours. The next day do something together!!

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