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is there a better way to get a better orgasm?

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hi. i am new here. this is my first post. so i am really nervous to share my problem. so hopfully i can get help 4my problem. it would mean alot to me..... I masterbate. i been doing it for 2years. i am a virgen and i got a girlfriend. recently, my girlfriend gave me a hand job. and it took me 20 mins to get an orgasm. could that b a problem? after that, she asked me to come 2her house 4 the next day. she asked me to bring a condom. if she wants sex, i dont want to embarresed myself not cuming during sex. especialy if its my first time. so to get a better/bigger orgasm, is there other things beside laying off pleasuring myself to get a bigger orgasm? is there other things/advice/tips that could help? any information will b helpful. i hope som1 will answer my request, if u can, it would mean alot to me, thanx!

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You are only 15!! You don't need to be having sex!!


But you probably aren't going to listen to me so here is some advice;


THANK GOD you are using condoms!


You were probably just nervous, being your first hand job for you to actually enjoy the experience. And the feeling of being inside of a woman and being inside of a sock are different.. lol. So don't worry about not having an orgasm, you'll probably do it in like 13 seconds.

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Being ready to have sex isn't just about intercourse. It's about being ready to deal with the consequences. What if the condom breaks? What if she gets pregnant? Are you read to be a father?


If you can't answer these questions, then in all honesty you probably shouldn't be having sex.


If you're going to use condoms, you're going to need way more than one. Usually it takes a few tries to learn how to put one on, so bring the whole darn pack. Better yet, practice at home.


One more thing: You seem to want to have a "bigger orgasm" your first time, because you want to impress your gf. The truth is if this is her first time having sex, the size of your orgasm isn't even on her list. She's more concerned with how much it's going to hurt. If you really love her and want to impress her, focus on how to give her a bigger orgasm and she'll reciprocate in kind.

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there is birth control...and abortions...and double wrapping...and its not that hard to put one on. surley youve blown up a condom before? they make great ballons. just because your not ready to have a kid doesnt mean they cant have sex. Its just unfortunate that you do. thats where birth control comes in.

dont worry dude hand jobs are boring compared to sex. if your stressing outt about it then you prob wont cum. plus you could keep going till you have one...no matter how long it takes. and if you take to long, "reset" (get rida ya hard on) yourself, have a break.


o and if your REALLY desperate, guys have their g-spot type thing up their bum dont they....???

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Cookie- You have to be kidding me. First off he never said anything about her being on birth control, and if she does get on it now it takes a month to go into effect. And you have to take it at the same time everyday not missing a beat for it to be 98% effective. ABORTIONS?? I can't believe you said that!! For the simple fact that if you are having sex you have to know what you are coming into and ABORTION should never be the answer!! I know that some people believe that it's ok ( I do in rape cases where the girl gets pregnant by their abuser ) but you should never say "It's ok because that's what abortions are for" It's absurd and immature! Also DOUBLE WRAPPING are you kidding me?? That will for sure bust the condoms. Two is not better then one!! It's a myth

And what you said;

Just because you're not ready to have a kid doesn't mean that you're not ready to have sex


Completely NOT true. You have to be a responsible adult, and know that there are ALWAYS the chance of you becoming a Father. I was on birth control and used a condom and still got pregnant. So nothing is for sure there buddy. I am not trying to attack what you said but I feel strongly that he should not take your advise. He needs to think about what he's about to partake in.

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Being ready to have sex isn't just about intercourse. It's about being ready to deal with the consequences. What if the condom breaks? What if she gets pregnant? Are you read to be a father?


If you can't answer these questions, then in all honesty you probably shouldn't be having sex.


i was talking about birth control for that thank you. i dont see whats wrong with abortions but its true that i will never have to decide to kill a part of me...so yeah. and i ment you dont have to wear the condom, theres plenty of other things out there that could enhance the experience and make things go a little faster WHILE offering the same protection....thats whats hes worried about.



plez dont start up an abortion debate...you dont like it... i dont care about it

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I am for sure not trying to start an abortion debate. I said before and I'll say it again, I dont' believe in it but I know that others do, and although unfortunate people have their own thoughts and feelings and that's what makes us unique... maybe wrong but unique.

All I am saying is not to "double wrap" it's a myth and doesn't work, actually makes your chances of getting pregnant greater. He never said that she was on birth control, and part of having sex is being a responsible adult. And that includes being ready to be a parent.

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You obviously don't have to be a responsible adult to have sex... Look at everyone already doing it heh... Also look at the immature adults out there as it is... Just because someone is older doesn't mean they are responsible, and also they shouldn't even be catorgorized as an "adult," Myself, I feel a lot older than 17, and I wish I wasn't sometimes Cuz I miss out on some fun stuff. But I also look at other adults and say, So, what makes them so special that I have to respect them? They seem less mature than people in my grade!


I agree that there are obvious risks with having sexual intercoarse. But if he is gonna use it, just make sure you take more than just a condom, find some other method's so you can be even more safe.


Anyways, just my 2 cents... not much coming from a 17 year old teenager I know hehe




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If you are a virgin then wait until after you have had intercourse before you worry about having bigger/better orgasms. Odds are that you are going to ejaculate from sex quickly. Have fun with your partner and enjoy the sexual experience. Worry about your orgasms later on.

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CHRIST! IF your worried then your NOT READY! dont let her push you into it, and dont push her..possible thught...your both only doing it cuz you think the other would be tickd if you didnt agree to it! listen, sex is a big deal, no matter who says what, see thing is, no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT the only way to be 100% sure to stay safe from STDS PREGNETCY, and the last thing, what if you want to break up with her in the future? did you know there is a cimical reaction when the girl has sex 4 the 1st time she is verry emotinaly attached? do you want that? THE ONLY way to avoid these is ABSTAIN!!! DUH 100% allways works!!! you really want to walk around with aids? see thing is..these people talkd about kids, well im bettin you are not ready to be in that room and watch your gf shoot a thing the size off a mellon outa a thing the size of a quater! you really ready to get yelld at hit n punchd while she is screamin 4 drugs?? i think not.. do you want n std? is sex at the age of 15 worth the risk of stds? stds (Depentent on what one) can KILL YOU, END YOUR LIFE.. see its diffrent from birth..that can kill you to..hence the thing calld parents..but really stds, Aids..can kill you! so be carefull if you do something, dont be stupid, make sure your both clean, make sure you take all safty percautions, that doesnt mean a male and female comdom..wont work and wont help! so dont do it, you dont need to worrie about orgasims, you dont need to think about that, focus on the safe issues 1st then possible the pleasure..and girls..dont really care if you get pleasure..get her off 1st! lol just be verry verry veryu very carefull!

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Cookie- did you know that some people are born with STD's? So yes you can get infected even if the both people haven't ever had sex with anyone else. Also, condom DO NOT protect against ANY STD. And STD's kill a lot more than one infected in a million buddy- try like 30%- that's a big chunk of people!! I also agree that Sweetheart went overboard, but what I've stated are proven facts. It's not to be taken lightly.

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As a microbiologist, I can say that there are lots of bacteria and viruses out there that are sexually transmitted that are very lethal. HIV kills 100% of people it infects. NO ONE has recovered. Hepatitis B can also kill you. Sphyllis also.


There are other STDs out there that won't kill you, but are still nasty. You can have permanent sterility from chlamydia or gonorrhoeae. Herpes is pretty bad and painful also.


Every day, people get sick because they thought that their partner was "safe." Guess what: PEOPLE LIE!!! People will say that they are virgins when they are not, and vice versa. If there's one thing that people lie about, it's sex.


Now, I'm not trying to scare you off from sex forever, just saying, it is very important to be ready, use protection, and TRUST your partner.


Bottom line: Sex is a pleasurable, but risky act. It comes with responsibilities.


Good luck!

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Oh yeah - one more thing flash. Don't worry about performance or orgasms, like the others said. Just go slow, and enjoy getting to know one another physically. Don't push things too fast. There will be more than enough time for you to worry about your performance in the future.

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Also, condom DO NOT protect against ANY STD

This really isn't correct. Condoms are a very good prevention against most STDs if used properly. The problem is that most people do not use them properly, and thereforeeee they aren't nearly as protected as they should be.

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The truth probably lies somewhere in between. As Avman said, if used properly they are reasonable protection against most STDs but nothing is infallible.


Whilst a condom will reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes ( a common STD) because of the way the virus spreads, the protection a condom offers is limited. The virus "sheds" and does not rely on direct contact between the genitals to transmit.

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