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What do you do on your birthday?

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Some people seem to have exciting birthday parties, but not me. I like something simple. Have a barbeque with a 2 friends, with some roasted chicken breast....yummy. And a few candies, and some pop. Thats all I do. I usually don't get presents because I am a guy. Usually girls give presents to girls...guys don't buy each other presents. A couple times I got a card from guy friends though. Anyway, what do YOU do on your birthday???????? I want to know if other people have birthdays that are simple like me, or something more interesting!!!!

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I like to have really simple birthdays, although this year was really cool, they took me camping for 3 days, so that was really awesome (but other then when I was like 6 that's the most I've made out of my birthday). I usually just have my family and we cook whatever whoevers birthday it is wants to have for dinner, and then we open gifts and eat cake, visit and that's about it. It's fun though, it's usually just the family, no friends or anything.


However my cousins family (lol) they go all out. My aunt and uncle ceibrate my uncles and both cousins birthdays at the same time and they go get these huge pizzas, invite like a bunch of people, and swim the whole time, It usually goes on forever.


so I think everyone is different with how they celibrate birthdays, but no matter what you should try and have fun.


see ya,


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Best birthday ever....


1994 when I turned 30.


A portion of the AIDS memorial quilt was on display at a college in town. I went to see it. When the AIDS quilt traveled, the organizers would send one or two "famous people" panels along with a collection of "everyday people" panels...usually people who lived in the area of that particular exhibit. The quilt panels are something like 3'x6' and are assembled by friends/family of a particular person who died of HIV/AIDS. Two things stood out from my viewing.


1. The "famous person" panel sent to this particular exhibit happened to be one in memory of Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury. I have loved this band since I was in grade school.


2. Panel that made the biggest impression: Plain red fabric background, and the only thing adorning the panel, centered on this 3'x6' piece of fabric was the guy's driver's license. Something about that was so real and tangible to me, that I still get teary-eyed thinking about it 11 years later.


After that, I went to dinner at my favorite restuarant and went to the racetrack to be around horses.


Oh...I neglected to point out that I did all of this alone. I had no one celebrating with me, and it was just fine, thanks.

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My birthdays are and have been very uneventful in the past.


Last year when I turned 30, at work they made a big deal out of it. Anytime someone gets a 0 in their birthday, they have a party with most of the agency there and cover the person in silly string lol.


Otherwise, my birthdays are usually filled with phone calls from the family with well wishes. Never really went out an celebrated on my brithday

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My friends and I usually find something to do for a year's worth of birthdays. ie., when we were 16 it was surprise sleepovers, 17 was early morning breakfast's, 18 was dinner, 19 was the year where we went out for our first drinks, etc. We never make too too big of a deal of things, but we always keep it the same so that one person didn't get something "really out there"

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