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She says horrible things about me for almost no reason

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This morning my sister came into my room without knocking and asked if she could borrow a pair of my shoes. Normally I would have said yes but I was planning on wearing them later and I didn't know what time she would give them back so I said no. She kept on asking me for another two or three minutes then she got really angry chucked the shoes accross my room and called me a 'selfish b*tch' and some other things too. I didn't mind, insults don't tend to hurt me but I felt a bit upset because we usually get on really well.


Also the other day she called me a 'fat slag' in front of loads of people and it was really embarrassing. She and my brother had been arguing so I raised my eyebrows at her friend and she said it in front of every one then afterwards she just carried on like she'd said nothing wrong.


I normally get on really well with my sister and I know she's been under pressure from exams but that doesn't give her an excuse to say this stuff...

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well, things like that happen between brothers/sisters - it's normal yes I know; but I have not seen sisters who do this in my whole life. BROTHERS I can understand but these kinds of things happening between sisters.. I don't.


I don't know what to tell you other then that I have an older brother - and we do usually get along well, like you and your sister - but when he does that kinds of things to me sometimes; I don't take that kind of crap easily. Even though he may be older; I just ask him "What the hell is the matter with you? Why you gotta do it?" and just argue/discuss over the matter.


I think you should talk with your sister about this - dont' keep it so PERSONALLY though, keep it on a wide; friendly/usual get-along/sister-to-sister range.


Hope I helped...

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Well, I noticed sisters argue if there around the same age. It's normal. Maybe you could explain as to why you couldn't let her borrow the shoes.


My sister is twice my age and we get on fine, I think we'd argue a lot more if we were the same age. So I'm grateful in one sense.


Just talk to her and tell her there is no need for her attitude but you appreciate the stress she is under with exams,


Good luck,



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I've never had a sister, but I have had roomies in college and from them I've learned it's best to talk things out as soon as they irk you. I'd sit her down and tell her "Look I understand you're under a lot of stress, but lately you've been taking it out on me and I don't appreciate it." Ask her if she needs to talk and then hear her out.


If she doesn't change, there's not much you can do about your her nasty temper, but you can try to reduce the tension between you by not letting her get to you, communicating as much as possible, and by responding calmly and matter of factly. Calmness drives screamers nuts, but it also has an effective way of embarrassing them into speaking in a normal voice. Try it!

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