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celibacy is a personal decision, if you wish to abstain from sex until marriage then you have to realize that relationships arent going to be easy. A person is free to choose if they want to be a virgin till they get married, in that respect its okay.


If you are a virgin you are going to feel pressured about having sex, thats just how it goes.


Personally I wouldnt be in a relationship with a female that wanted to wait till marriage before she had sex, it just wouldnt work for me. I feel sex is an important part of a relationship and thats not something im willing to compromise on.

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Sex plays a role in a relationship, but it is far from the essential element it is all too often made out to be. Waiting until marriage is a personal decision and a highly honorable one. No one should feel pressured to do something if they don't want to do it. Anyone who deserves to be with you should respect your wishes and not be negative in any way about it. If he is then realize that he is not the one for you, he is willing to let something like this get in the way of what you have. He is putting what is not there ahead of what is, the love, respect and understanding that you should have for one another.


Most people probably won't want to wait, its sad that thats how most people are. But there are people who will respect your choice and not put any pressure on you. These people are rare, but special and worth all the wait.

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i am nearly 16 and most my mates are not virgins, i still am, the only thing i believe with sex n relationships is that you should really love ea. other. tht's all that matters.

but like other posters said, being celibate is a personal preferance, you do what ever you feel is right theres no right or wrong answer.

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but is there such a thing as a born again virgin like a born again christian?


Well, not physically no. Once it is gone it is gone.


But there are those who believe mentally/spiritually you can make such a decison. I don't know if I agree with the term "virgin" though in that case.



Though I would not go around telling people you are a virgin, whether you have decided to remain celibate or not - I would see that as dishonest if someone did that. And for me, well sexual compatibility is important (not MOST important, but important), and I like a few test rides with my partner before committing to marriage and you may find that there are others who feel the same and may not want to get too involved with you as well. Which is fine, just means you are not suited for one another so go out and find someone who is willing to wait for you.

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