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Basically i think i have never been in love, i have dated around 12 girls in a 4 year period, and i have always been happy when im with them. But when we break up i feel incomplete, its like with everybreak up apart of my personality and affection goes with them, now i have been without a girlfriend for 5 months, which feels like an eturnity.

So i was wondering if anyone else feels empty without someone special in their lives to hold? And how do you deal with it.

I have a puppy and a cat waiting for me when i go home form college, i hope that can do some healing.

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hey nexus dude,


no worries man - when i was your age, i didn't even go out with ANY girls!! my first date was at the tender age of 22 - hah! it was then i fell in love, and i've had two serious relationships after that (1.five+ years).


i think the key is that we have to be COMFORTABLE an CONTENT to be by ourselves - i don't mean completely alone - i just mean we don't need a "significant other" to "complete" our lives. we all need other people, i.e., friends, family, etc... i think it when you or i reach that point of loving ourselves enough to be content to be by ourselves that we will no longer have this feeling. actually, i almost had this feeling before i met my second ex. you see - its when we least expect it that we meet someone, i.e., when we are almost ready to be completely happy within our own skin.


anyways, hope you feel better - keep your cat and dog in mind - pets are always a godsend.


take care.

kung fu

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well it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


Anyway dating is a way to find the right one for you. Anyway I'm 16 and never had a boyfriend! And yes, I feel lost and empty without someone special there.


All I have at home is a guinea-pig named Eddy and budgie called bluie and there always their for me.


Anyway ... I hope things become better for you



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hey.. my advice to you is to build yourself up. Do things that you love and enjoy and gain confidence in yourself. I see this in so many of my guy friends, they look for their confidence and to fill their feelings of lonliness in the company of girls who at the time seem great, but you know how girls are caddy and change their minds. If you gain confidence in yourself and do things that you enjoy, that will attract girls. Girls that will be into you, and if it dosen't work out, you'll still know who you are and be able to hold onto that.

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