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On the bus-off the bus, Life as a Military Spouse


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My husband was supposed to fly out today. They had to fly back here because the hydraulic line on the landing gear ruptured. Came back here for repair. Tried to take off again and had another snag . I hadn’t heard from him in hours so I just aimlessly drove around upset.


Came home sat at the black TV screen not seeing anything. Then got word from him that their third attempt to take off is happening . Just sat here crying into my nachos .

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YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA oh vic , thank goodness ey ...ahhhhhhh I literally let out a sigh of relief then ..sorry I bailed on you for all these hours , but you will go and live across the flippin pond lol xxxxx


We can start the week on a wonderful note now

Right?! I am so much happier now! Yes , it is hard when you and I live across the pond from each other makes it harder . And we both need our sleep Lord knows. But yes I feel so much better to know that he’s at least on the ground right now .

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The morning will come too soon and another plane will carry you away. If I counted our days apart it would be years. Each time is harder. We are part of the same soul. ❤️


That is SO romantic!


What is your secret to keeping the romance alive while he's gone? I've always wondered how that works out long-term. Is it the whole, "absence makes love grow fonder," thing?

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That is SO romantic!


What is your secret to keeping the romance alive while he's gone? I've always wondered how that works out long-term. Is it the whole, "absence makes love grow fonder," thing?

I don’t know how to explain it. We are just connected by our soul after all this time. We can’t do without each other . Nowadays we talk to each other every day on FaceTime. But years ago when either of us was away with the military we had to write letters. Sometimes we would write each other letters multiple times a day. I would always put lipstick kisses on the back of my letters. He is my heart ; my everything, the father of my babies here and in heaven. Each time I live for the day he comes back.


The worst was when he was away on deployment one year over Christmas. As I drove home to be with our family I think I cried all three hours of it. I had my son, 2 cats and 2 Guinea pigs and a mountain of gifts when I arrived at my mom’s house.

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