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friend only likes "hot' girls

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my friend is stupid in the first place, and doesnt care about anyone elses feelings except his. He is the coc-kiest most self centered person i have ever met in my entire life and all of our friends agree. He will only date girls who have model bodies and right now he likes this new girl who i hooked him up with today, he wants to get her pregnant and have kids already and hes only 14!!!! and he is the type who will do it i know because hes had sex before and somehow didnt get the girl pregnant (thank god).


next week hes gonna cheat on her to go somewhere with this girl from anothe school and try to have sex with her too. thats all he looks for! all he does is talk about sex and how good he is at EVERYTHING and he works out the best he can to get a good body, and for a 14 year old guy yeah its a WHOLE LOT better than average. Its so wrong, cause his girlfriend and the other girl, neither one of them know anything thats going on. alot of people dont know the real him, but know how selfcentered and coc-ky he is.... i have talked to a guidance couselor about him and she believes he will be one of these people who get divorced within a year of marriage.... what are the perecentages of divorce rates this day in age? I'm just worried... and i dont know what to do.... he does so much bad crap to me, but i still care.... what should i do? should i tell anyone anything?

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The divorce rate in the U.S. is like what??...60%?


Anyway, yeah, this guy's a total idiot. Laugh at him when he has to pay for the kid(s), clean up wet, soggy diapers, and has to get married to the girl at 18.


I don't think he's thought about the consequences lol.


He's only 14 LOL, he's definitely in for a wake-up call. Plus, he doesn't want to have kids, he's just perverted and wants to screw 24/7, his hormones are raging...that's all basically lol.

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Well i cant help you, but most guys only date girls because of their looks.. honestly i do not, because on day they will not look as good as they are in their prime, and you probably wont have anything much in common anymore.

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I guess some people (boys/men and girls/women) are like this. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it, it is his choice.


If he is willing to sleep with the girls, the girls are willing to sleep with him then they both have to live with the consequences.


Just look after yourself.

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Hey - I agree with CarterJonas. People are going to do whatever they want to do. All you can do is be supportive of your friends. (By the way - why is your friend when you say all he does is care about himself? What do you get out of the friendship?)


Anyways - some people have to learn from their own mistakes. While I think it's very nice you're trying to lead him down a better path, some people just have to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Like Just_wing said - be prepared - he won't be the last person like this you will meet.


Take care of your own life. If/when your friend falls on his face, don't tell him, "I told you so," just be supportive of his problems. Good luck.

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He's digging himself into a verrrry deep hole. You just have to hope he has the sense not to stop, but he's 14 so what are you gonna do?! He's doing what at least 60% of 14 year old boys want to do. He's taking it a bit far with the whole wanting to get her pregnant thing but hay! He'll learn from his mistakes. It might be an idea to point out to him the consequences before/if he does get her pregnant. He will mature eventually and realise that there is more to life than sex and hot girls... well he might!

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