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tips please!!!!

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before me and my gf went out we wree ok at convos. but as weve gone out its gotten worse and worse its always alot of sliences now. all we seem to talk kinda long about is sexual stuff. is that cuz thats what we both have in common?(that we like doing sexual stuff) please help me out on how to be a litlle bit smoother at conversation

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How old are you two may I ask, and how long have you been together?


Generally when you don't have very good conversations, or always talk of the same thing it is because the spark is gone, or because you are really not that compatible. You may be lacking conversation topics as you have really run out of things to talk about to a degree with each other! You will find that one day you will begin to meet people (or more hopefully that one person) you have a lifetime of conversations with! This also comes more with age as you generally HAVE more to discuss and are more self-aware as well.


I notice a trend for many people to feel obligated to stay with someone "just because" but if you are not compatible, and conversation is almost null and boring, then if you are both young I would say it is just as you have run the course of that relationship, but don't really know all about relationships yet so stick with it.


Determine whether you want to be in this relationship or not, then knowing that you will have to take certain actions to either end it, or work on communication.

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I would talk about something weird. Example: Why is the sky blue? Why are trees green? Why is there two ways to spell gray? It starts the convo off lightly and after getting some talking going u will eventually move onto other subjects. If not, then maybe all u have in common is the sex stuff and u should just be friends with benefits. lol j/p If not, i dont know. I was in a relationship for 10 months and no matter what i did, we NEVER had a full conversation so I understnad where u are coming from.

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hey i think that when u are with ur girlfriend that you should do something with her so you guys have stuff to talk about. Like go to a movie you don't have to talk at the theater. But maybe when the movie is over you can talk about the movie u know what u liked and disliked. Find out what you both have in common. Like if you guys both like to watch baseball games you can talk about baseball. You know what i mean just find something that you guys can do so you guys can talk about what you are doing. It sounds to me you guys aren't very comfortable together so maybe if you guys do stuff it will be easier for you to talk to her about other things

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