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How can I move on from one of my best friends?


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Me and this guy have been best friends for forever. In high school we started dating and we fell in love. A couple years later he breaks up with me because of our VERY different schedules and commitments but he wanted to stay best friends, and I agreed. I couldn't even imagine what life would be like without him. But there's one issue-I'm still in love with him. I know that if I take a risk and make a move things won't work out and the same issue will pop up. How do I move on? Not talking to him isn't an option, since he's still one of my best friends. Any advice?

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So you dated in high school. You broke up. Now you want to date him again?


As Honeycomb asked, what exactly are the impediments between you two dating? You said the same issue would pop up again. What is the issue? Is he in college? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he work a lot of hours? You'll have to let us know.


But if you're just asking about moving on, you just have to distract yourself by hanging out with friends, going for walks and exercising, and doing things you like to do. And eventually, you'll meet someone else to date.

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It's okay for friendships to evolve, change, lessen, strengthen, or even fade away to the back burner or totally end. That's life. You will find that out as you age. Many military spouses have to endure long periods of separation. Some couples work opposing shifts due to things like not being able to afford child care, so that's their life for now. People can work things out and endure when their partner is important enough to them.


Please know he's just not that into you, or he would've found a way to make it work. When he does get a serious gf, she will not tolerate him hanging out with you, since you are crazy about him, and believe me, women are very intuitive and she'll know, even if she isn't told. And your crush on him is preventing you from seeking out a love interest who will be crazy about you.


I never put labels on friends because I know that people's lives change too much for that sort of permanency. I'm okay if a friend has a new baby and has less time for me. I'm okay if a friend moves away and I only see her once every few years. You'll be okay too if he can't be a lifetime best friend. He can be a lovely memory for you, but for your own good, I think you should let this friendship lessen in importance for your own good.

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