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She told me about her but now shes trying to sabotage me.

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Hey this is gona be a lil weird lol.. Ive been good friends with girl A for a few years now. We've been through and done a lot together (not like kissing or anything) Ive escorted her in pagaents i walked her to class everday last year. We're good friends. She acts weird around me and even my friend notice it and ive always considered asking her out but now shes got a bf.


2 fridays ago I went to a mexican restaurant and put on a sombrero and i looked really stupid in it. Girl A took a pic and showed me a week later. She said she was going to give it to Girl B, a girl i didnt know and whos in the 10th grade and 14 months older than me (2 grades higher). I asked her why and she said that girl B thought i was cute. I asked girl A about it a lil later and she got mad.


Then last Saturday I added her to Icq. I didnt tell her that I knew she thought I was cute. We talked for about an hour. Then on Sunday we talked for about 4 hours straight on icq and had a good time and she told me that me and her needed to get together and eat sometime. And said that I crack her up.


Then today Girl A found out I had been talking to Girl B and got mad. She told me that she wouldnt date me and that I was freaking Girl A out. And that Girl B had told Girl A she needed to hook me and Girl B up but she told Girl B no way. And told Girl B that i knew she thought I was cute and when I found out I went nuts.


So now I have no idea what to do.. and why girl a is acting like that? So any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks


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I'm guessing she has a little something for you...haha. Just confront girl A about it be like "Ok so why do you care if me and girl B go out? If you like me and that's why you don't like it tell me now..". Because there's no way she's going to care about if you go out with the second girl unless she has some hidden feelings for you.

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Yah I just dont know.. Girl A has always tried to steer me clear of girls. And girl A and girl B are like best friends.. and girl a was saying she was weird. And was gona have a talk to Girl B about liking younger guys. So i dont know what to do..

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Doesn't girl A have a bf? or was that girl B? I say forget the girl that's taken and date the single one. No sense persuing someone with a bf and she can get mad all she wants but the bottom line is she has someone--you're single.


If she doesn't want to be your friend because you chose the other girl, then she is selfish. She has somebody, you have a right to have someone too.


And I'll give you a tip. Eliminate the middle man(or girl in this case) talk to the girl you like directly and don't send her messages( through your friend) or confide in your friend about her--sounds like she tells her everything and might even make something up if she's jealous. Be smart

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You could also ask girl A why she is acting like that if she has a boyfriend.


Yeah, this is pretty important. Why is girl A trying to mess up whatever you have going with girl B when she already has a bf? From just the info you've given us, I would guess that girl A likes you and is jealous but if you like girl B and want to date her then you should tell girl A that it isn't cool to get mad at you when you aren't with her (girl A), and what's more she already has a bf. Maybe she doesn't like her bf as much as she likes you but that's really not your problem.

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