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Alright so heres the dileo the love of my life and I broke up in october. it was a while back and it hurted a whole lot. ever since then I have been trying to sowe up the scars that were left behind and well i havent made much progress. she is going out with this new guy and having sex wih him as well. its sad becuase when we talk she talks about how she wants to get back together and stuff. and i hate that she raises up my hopes and in the end nothing happens. Im tired of that so lately i have just being ignoring her for the best. ive met this girl in my class in college. I really have started to like her but there is only like 3 more weeks left of school and i only get to see her mondays and wensdays. We hardly ever talk and when we each other in the hallways we just like completely ignore each other well i dont know about her but i do. i dont know how to talk to her cuz every time i start a conversation the right words dont seem to come out i get tongue tied. and i get those butterflys too. which really sucks. anyways i kinda want to ask her to be my girlfriend but then again we hardly know each other to do aything. i dont know what to do im so confused. some one out there help me out.

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hey man, i'm gonna give you the same advise i give all the people seeking my advice: just chill. relaxation will cure all your vexations, and don't you forget it. you can't expect to win at this game of love unless you got your head on strait and cool. you probably ain't fully out of the woods from your misadventure with the break up in october. i say, just chill, and know that you are single. once you get all at ease with that, then just be open to new young vixens. keep in mind, some young vixens might not want to be with a guy and that's cool. it's not that anything's wrong with you, you just need to let them be as they be. also, while you're getting all settled with yourself, take note of what you got going for you. get a good idea of you good side and your bad side and how to put your best foot forward when you're ready to put your thing down and get back in the game.

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Hi stud,


I think it may be wise to take some time and get your head straightened out about your ex before you dive into something new. While you're still carrying a torch for the ex, you really can't give 100% to a new person, and why would you want to try? Take some time just for you. It seems the ex is really sending you some mixed signals, do you feel like keeping in touch with her is a good idea at this time while she is dating someone else?


IMO, so long as she is dating and sleeping with someone else she isn't serious about getting back with you. As long as that is the case, I would advise you to leave her be, and try to heal without constantly being reminded of her and what you've lost by her dangling this carrot in front of you.


As for the other girl, why not take the summer to be alone and get your head together and then in the fall if she is still availbable and you see her at school you can approach her then?


Best of luck!

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I think at this point you shouldn't be bf/gf since you are still having feelings about your ex. But with that being said there is nothing wrong with starting up a friendship with this new girl right now. Keep it casual at the beginning and see how your heart feels after that. My opinion is that you will never truly get over your ex until you start talking with new people, even if its strictly platonic at first.


Now about getting to know this girl more. If you are in college and the class is ending does that mean there is a final coming up? In that case ask her one day if she would like to study with you for it. That gives you a good way to get to know her more without forcing a relationship that you might not be ready for emotionally.

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