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What's your opinion on dirty workplaces?


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This is kinda random but I applied on a certain company just this morning and I saw the office was kinda messy. Like papers were everywhere and there isn't a proper place for the other documents/things. Then inside the meeting room, the computers were disarranged and the floor had permanent wet stains.


I then researched about this company and it turns out some former employees said the company had a history of being a dirty workplace. They said the office is always full of cocroaches and insects plus it always smells.


I do wanna know does the cleanliness and sanitation of the workplace reflects the company itself?

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They said the office is always full of cocroaches and insects plus it always smells.


I do wanna know does the cleanliness and sanitation of the workplace reflects the company itself?

Whether it reflects badly on the company or not, I don't think I would ever want to work in such a disgusting environment. Ever. The thought of getting up every morning knowing I am going to spend the day in such a filthy place .... um, no thank you.

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I think it reflects on the company. Either they don't have money to hire someone to clean and buy organising supplies and that's a bad sign because it could mean delays in salaries and stuff, or it means that they don't care about health and work environment quality and it won't be nice working there for that reason.

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