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HoW dO i GeT a GuY tO...

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How can I get a guy to like me. A lot of them rly like me as a friend, but nothing more and all of my friends have boyfriends and I always get left out of everything. I like this one guy who has like EVERYTHING in common with me, but he likes my best friend who isnt that much like him. It kind of makes no sense, but what to guys like about girls?

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Well there isn't really any set way to make someone like you..


But here's a list of things that some of us guys like:


Nice hair - tied up - no messy un-brushed hair

Nice thin legs

Thin body

Blonde or red (Gets a mans attention for some reason) - Blacks and browns are ok

Well presented

Nice personality - Very important

Not a tart

Not flirting with every guy around

Dressed nicely


Well thats some stuff to get you started!





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why does she have to have a thin body and legs??? Its a load of rubbish!

I think you should be yourself, obviously the right person for you hasn't come along, don't pretend otherwise u'll end up with somebody who doesn't like you for you.

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I think you should just focus on being yourself and comfortable in your own skin. Men are very visual, so that means taking good care of your body. That means, wear clothes nicely, if you are overweight, you should lose some weight. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Get involved in physical activities that will keep your body healthy - plus, it's a great way to meet men.


If you have questions about your weight, you can google a BMI calculator to see if you are approximately in a normal weight range. It's always a good idea to eat well and exercise anyways. You may consider talking to a doctor or dietician if you are concerned about your weight.


If you're short and dark haired and shy, you're not going to attract the type of guy that likes tall blondes who are outgoing. And vice versa. So, don't waste your time trying to get guys to like you. Just be who you are.


Ultimately - there is no way to get a guy to like you. Everyone has their own specific type that they like, and one day, a guy will think you're just his type.


No worries - just enjoy life and have fun and meet people!

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One of the best ways to get a guy to like you is to show that you like him, it is very flattering, providing you don't come one too strong. Don't do the shy thing about turning away when he looks at you because it can give the wrong impression. Show interest in what he says, smile, genuinely, as much as you can especially when you are looking at into his eyes.


Avoid men/boys who are overly interested in looks - if you think their list of priorities starts off with looks and how your body is and only later gets to personality, they are probably shallow and not worth your effort. Looks are important of course, no question, but only for a short while, and anyway everyone's taste is different. Some may like thin legs etc - others think girls like that are stick insects and are turned off.

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I'm just laughing at some of the posters in here...umm whoever the main post is, don't listen to all that...every guy is different...you're not going to be able to attract every guy you want, but you just have to learn to flirt and have fun...they'll come. Another thing...you are 13, so from what I remember, this is the age when guys and girls are passing notes and telling friends who they like...and no one is really brave enough to tell the person. Not many guys have the guts or confidence yet to know how to walk up to any girl and flirt and talk and possibly ask for her number...so don't worry about it too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

guys like alot of things.


*non-pissy girls

*non-annoying girls

most like virgins

hair color dosent matter really

*not hairy just basiclly shave your arms and legs and of course facial hair

*not frizzy hair just make sure it looks good

small cloths you know what i mean lol

*not taller than him

of course pretty

a personality that matches theres but isnt better like not funnier


if you have at least the ones with the stars your good

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Ive asked my guy friends what they look for in women...and here's just a bit of what they have told me...


--A girl who knows how to laugh and smiles...

--A girl who takes interest in what he's into...genuinely...asks him questions about his hobbies and passions..


--A girl who has nice teeth...

--Has her own sense of style...however it seems a vast majority of men these days seem to gravitate towards women who dress trendy...(all look the same in my opinoin but who cares what I think)

--Has her own life, doesn't look to him constantly to make her happy.

--isn't APPARENTLY self conscious...as in " God I'm so fat" or talks about other girls to make her self feel better...


those are just a few...

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let him feel that you are interested in him

try to get closer to him and know what he likes and try to like things that he likes

and try to be always there whenever he need a friend

let him feel the love in your heart


good luck

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