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Girls, do you just shy away from your crush?


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There was similar topic about guys, I would like to hear about girls.


Do you just look at your crush from distance and dream, and avoid talking to the end (unless HE comes to talk to you)? If you're normally pretty outgoing, do you still just be silent as the grave and never talk to the guy, unless he comes to you?


Or are you more sensible than guys and talk to your crush always when you see him?

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I used to be really shy around guys I liked and pretended that I didn't like him (I don't know why) But I've learned that that leads to nowhere and you can't always wait for him to approach you (which would be better by the way). So these days, I have learned from my mistakes...it's just pointless.

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yeh im a really outgoing funny person. Im not in the 'cool set', and a lot of my big friendship group are nerdy, but mostly theyre all funny and outgoing like me. Um i get on great with guys, but i stubble with the whole love thing. I act too unserios most of the time so i feel im embarrassing both sides if i try to act serious and go up to a guy i like. I am having troub at the moment with this and a guy i like outside my group, and im just being funny and trying to merge it with being mature. then maybe the guy will put in a bit i hope and ease the tension lol. i hope this made sense!

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There was similar topic about guys, I would like to hear about girls.


Do you just look at your crush from distance and dream, and avoid talking to the end (unless HE comes to talk to you)? If you're normally pretty outgoing, do you still just be silent as the grave and never talk to the guy, unless he comes to you?


Or are you more sensible than guys and talk to your crush always when you see him?


Depends on the guy I'm interested in, how he carries himself, how talkative and outgoing he is. If I don't know the guy and I am just spellbound by his sheer beauty then...haha yeah I'm pretty much senseless and shy.

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yea, i get pretty nervous even going up to a guy i like. it's the same "stare and look away quick when eyes are locked" episode all the time for me. i just don't get it. i have no problems with guys i'm not attracted to physically, but i do with my crushes...even in college *sigh*.

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Yea, pretty much just stare and daydream about how hot he is. But for the most part I just look at him, sometimes I'll maintain eye contact. As for the talking, mostly I'll jsut wait to be approached. And sometimes I do try even harder to make sure it doesnt look like I have the hots for him, whereas for other guys Im not interested I could be pretty outgoing which could be misread as flirting.

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For me. When i like a guy i just go up to him and just small talk for a while tell he gets use to talking to me. then i wait a little longer tell i let the guy that i have a crush on. i do tend to look and stear at them. i 1st find out who he hangs w/. then i just tell them that iam interrested in them. sometimes they still dont talk so i end up doing all the approaching. guys just dont approach me, but only for a hw assignments. I still try to getem to talk. asking them quest. then i wait a little tell they ask me. if they arent giveing me the other 50% of the talking then i let them go. i then move on to the next guy. but if they give me 50% or more then i know for a fact that they may or may not be interrested in me. At this point i then ask them more things about them. i tend to go over board. people says that i come on to stronge and just let the guy know every thing about me w/ in a few days. If u dont know what i mean by not haveing a guy come up to you and just say hi well these are my pict.'s

file 208.1/Desktop%20Folder/pic/prom.jpg file 208.1/Desktop%20Folder/pic/me%20@%20penn.jpg

file 208.1/Desktop%20Folder/pic/bf30.jpg%3FpfEQXfCB_RMU8x8L

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When I was in high school, this was most definitely the case, but in college things have changed a little. I've learned that pretending that you don't like someone out of shyness doesn't really accomplish anything. Instead, you just like the person more and more, and he is more and more clueless about it. He WILL date other people if he doesn't know that you like him, so make sure the guy knows. If he knew that you liked him, who knows? You might just be the next one he dates!

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I would be like..."well, why hasn't he come and talked to me then?" if the guy wasn't my type and I kinda knew that already, I would just be like, ..."really, that's cool." Everyone likes to be liked...even if they aren't interested in the person doing the liking.

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How would girls do or think when a friend of your tell you that he likes you? I truly need some reply on this.


I say "yeah, whatever", pretend not to believe them, so the person comes up and talks to me. It always works.


Well, if its the guy's friend anyway.. if its one of my friends, I just say really? cool, lol, or something like that. XD Like Greenie35 said before, everyone likes to be liked


Anyway, it depends on the guy.. I'm somewhat outgoing now, but I used to be -really- shy, and when i'm talking to some guy that I like that i've never spoken to before, I get really shy. (and I have no problem flirting with epople i'm not interested in -- argggg.) If the guy is my friend first and then I develop feelings for him, then its the opposite, I get even more flirty and my shyness just goes away completley.

I am such a confusing person.

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I'm a really out going person but i get SO shy when im around guys ESPECIALLY when i like them. It sucks cos i dont get approached alot cos i dont really smile or send the right signals but im starting to realise that guys wont always approach me so i gotta start going at it. but to get or my tangent, i do get really shy around guys i like, i dont really even look at them!,lol

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I become PARALYZED with shyness around my crush!!! I will stare at him accross the room, but if he comes near me I ignore him for fear of turning beet red, laughing uncontrollibly and shaking. i'm a dork...and mind you, I'm 29 years old!


what an idiot I am!

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I become PARALYZED with shyness around my crush!!! I will stare at him accross the room, but if he comes near me I ignore him for fear of turning beet red, laughing uncontrollibly and shaking. i'm a dork...and mind you, I'm 29 years old!


what an idiot I am!

HA ...I feel the same way...I'm almost 26! I always feel like i'm going to geek out.

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ha! every girl who answered "yes" to this topic, please do a favor for yourselfs and ask those guys out! Those guys feel exactly the same thing, I can tell you!


I so would but the guys that i like, and thereforeeee am incredibly shy around, act SO confident.They look like they think they could get any girl in the room . So if they dont come up to me i dont see it as them being shy, i think that they just arent interested. Do guys just act confident around their friends or what?

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They could just be like that because their really c0cky, superficial people. If they really are confident, they are confident wherever they go.


Look guys, I know it'd be GREAT if a girl approached us, but that's our job. They don't want to ask, because if we screw something up or anything they can blame it on us...yeah I know screwed up. I'm not the best at explaining this certain thing --ask a girl.

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