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  1. I used to be really shy around guys I liked and pretended that I didn't like him (I don't know why) But I've learned that that leads to nowhere and you can't always wait for him to approach you (which would be better by the way). So these days, I have learned from my mistakes...it's just pointless.
  2. You might not like my advice but I want to post it anyway. I think ou should just tell her you like her....she's popular, who cares....she might like you but you don't know it. Just tell her, get over with it....find out if she likes you back, if she doesn't , at least now you know and won't have to wonder about it forever... I don't know maybe this approach is too hardcore, but I'd rather just want to know for sure instead of endless flirting that leads nowhere.
  3. yea, but it's kind of awkward to suddenly start talking to him out of nowhere after like 4 weeks of school.
  4. Okay, so I've been reading posts on here and I thought maybe I could get some advice from you guys. So, I'm in college and there's this really cute guy in my class. I usually get stuck in gigantic classes but this class is really small; I just have this feeling that he's into me but I'm not sure. I don't know what to do, I want to approach him first because I just want to get over with it and see if he likes me or not, but I don't want to be rejected then have to see him in class. I've never had this big of a crush on someone in my class that I do not know. I was thinking I could message him on Facebook or something. Thanks for reading! Sorry for the long post!
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