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last night was talking to this girl, im not really interested in her anymore than friends, maybe i would be if i had a chance, but she has kind of said before that i dont, and basically we do this playful thing saying "u smell" cheekily if were just passing in corridors at college or wateva and i was chatting to her on msn and this is how the convo went


her smell

me: of roses? yeh thanks

her: no not of roses

me at least i dont smell of cheese like you

her: woteva

her: dont like u anymore

her: see ya gtg now


anyway so i thought i would carry on the convo a little and sent her a text and this is how that convo went


me: u smell of cheese x

her: stop being horrible to me. iam sad now x

me: luv ya really, even if u do smell of cheese x

her: mike stop it x

me: alright ill stop, well till tomorrow at least x

her: mike pack it in. i smell of disel 4 women and that smells of cocanut x

me: u wish x

her: oi, i dont smell of cheese do i x

me: no u smell lovely x

her: horrible x

me: anyway, when did i say smelling of cheese was a bad thing? i happen to love the smell of cheddar in the morning x

her: horrible x


so i saw her today and she is playfully ignorning me and giving me evils etc and she tells my mate when i go off to beat me up, my mate then says she is just playing and joking with u


i see her outside mcdonalds and i ask her if she has any vouchers, she just turns her back on me and i laugh and say ur still not talking to me are you and she still doesnt reply


so i go into mcdonalds have my meal, see her eating over the other side and i leave and i walk past the window she is sittting and and i wave and blow her a few kisses and she just ignores and gives me a evil again lol


ok, what i need to know from you guys as im quite bored is, is she still definatly playing and joking about it? and should i text her and say something like "hey are u talking to me yet coz im sorry for saying u smell of cheese" or should i leave it (might speak to her on msn later) or leave it till tomorrow and say sorry then, i was thinking about giving her a pack of stickers that she collects to say sorry and a hug


what do you think?


thanks for any help



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Leave it. Don't apologize. You were kidding.


But when you see her next tell, her she smells of something else. Something better, but different. Like instead of her scent, tell her she smells like the inside of an Almond Joy candy bar. And also consider making fun of how you smell at the same time, tell her not to get too close because you defnitely have some ______ going on today. Make it funny. Maybe use parmesan.

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how about she smells of ice cream? is that good?


and yes ill say something like "dont get to close i smell of parmisan today"


Well, I picked something coconut because that's how she wants to smell based on what she said about the scent she wears. So maybe toasted coconut ice cream?


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she is into me? u really think?


i saw her again today, she ignored me again even tho i waved at her, so i sent her a text and said are u talking to me yet?


she said nope and im not talking to j either so ur in the same boat x


j is my mate and her best friend!


she is on msn aswell but she isnt saying anything!

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Definite passive aggression. You have a few choices in defeating pasive aggressiion. My favorite would be to get her somewhere and use aggression; basic simple, but benevolent aggression. Your next things would be to treat her with kindness (i.e. she smells good) and or make fun of her, more. I would not go for making fun right now. Or just ignore her.


Do what works on her. Ignore her for a day or two, then try the line where she smells good. I'd try to work in coconut. My ideal move, ignore her then catch her alone, in a few days, walk up put your arms around her, hug her, take a huge sniff of her and her hair, say "Oh yeah, you smell like coconut ice cream today", then let her go and just walk confidently away. And ignore her for another day, then see what she does.

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OK, I disagree with the above. Why? Because we want what we cannot have, not the person who we know we can have.


It's nice to think we don't need games, but we are not like dogs. We cannot just run up to someone, wagging our taails, and nudge them with our noses to get attention. Sometimes, often, we need to play the game.


Play on.

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do people think that she might be interested in me? im not so sure, she is a playful girl anyway and when i joked that i liked her she said no! even tho at the time she didnt know i was joking


anyway was chatting to her on msn but just before i did i sent her another text saying


u know i was only kidding right? what has j done?


so she came on msn and i got chatting about what j had done basically he had really upset her, he said i wish i had never met u, naturally i was really shocked! and didnt really know what to say, but i gave her some advice and stuff, said he is probably regretting it and is ready to apoligize if she wanted to talk to him, she doesnt want to talk to him and she doesnt know weather or not she wants to accept his apology! i said i cant help her with that desicion!


then she said she had to go and i said does this mean ur talking to me again?


she said yeh ! so i said yay lol


thats where we are at at the moment, think im not gonna see her till tuesday but will probably chat on msn before then


so any ideas on what i could say?


definatly feel like doing the hug and u smell of cocanut today on tuesday!



keep the help coming guys! really appreciate!

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ok so how do i stop playing games and make it more serious between us too?


thing is with this girl, ive already had hints that it wouldnt happen between us 2 from her, but were always playing games, saying u smell etc, and teasing each other and taking the mick out of each other, eg about the footy teams we support and stuff like that! how do i make it more serious? what do i say? do?


she never seems to want to hang around with me outside college, ive asked her out to do stuff, like shopping etc before but she has either said no or not replied! obviously this isnt a good sign so how do i make her want to come out with me? things i say and do?


she thinks im funny i know that, she has told me i make her laugh and stuff before, but i think im too silly, thats a reason why most girls wont go that far with me coz im too silly and immature, i dont take things seriously, so how do i stop being silly and making silly jokes and playing silly games and make things a little bit more serious between me and not just this girl but other girls too?!


thanks for the help!


really appreciate it! keep it coming!

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