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Ex breaks no contact in person

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I've only been NC for a few days.


I drove my daughter to school this morning only to return home and be met by my current ex sitting in my driveway.


I tell her she probably shouldn't be here and that I don't want any false hope, I tell her to do what she has to do and not to contact me again till she figures it out.


She tells me all the things I did that were wrong over the last three years and why we're not together right now, but that if she hadn't met this new guy we'd probably still be together and that she want's to stay friends.


I tell her that being friends right now is too painful and to give me some space and that she's free to do whatever she needs to.


We hug and she leaves.


Painful stuff.....


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"She tells me all the things I did that were wrong over the last three years and why we're not together right now, but that if she hadn't met this new guy we'd probably still be together and that she want's to stay friends."


Wow! I think you did very well and of course dodged a bullet. What kind of person shows up in person to tell you all your relationship faults and then follows up with if she didn't find someone else you would still be together.


Harsh and unforgivable, if you ask me.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but you are doing the right thing. Stay no contact and don't give this person any power.



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wow.... an ambush with all YOU did. And how if it weren't for someone, she it would still be in....


very telling about her. poor girl, you did everything wrong and she is just lucky, that guy came along.... pathetic, lame, hurtful.


i applaud your actions and words. you know (or at least we as outsiders) know she did you a huge favor.


how about she just go live her life and quit spewing her own flaws onto you!


what a total exploitive! ((hug))

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Send her a message not to come back.


I have read your other post dealing with your issues. You’ve been going through hell. You don’t need this ex in your life.


Your right about working on yourself. Do so.


Also, find a great lawyer and sent up a consultation. Explain everything and if you don’t like what you hear find another lawyer and repeat. I have found reading these threads that it’s all about your lawyer’s abilities. Find one that knows there business and is cutthroat as well.


Once again tell your ex you won’t be friends and to never contact you again. I’m guessing the grass wasn’t as green as she thought. She is trying to keep you on the line if it doesn’t work out with the other guy.

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