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One Month of NC

Miss Y

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So it has been one month of NC with my ex. I think i did it better this time. I have deleted him off from all social medias. I have to admit eventhough i miss him but i wont text him ever again.

Anyway, i heard from one of his friend that he had fallen in love with a girl he met on xbox. Lol. He had fallen in love with that girl’s voice. And now i know why he had changed. So he wanted this girl. Hmm.


Idk if anyone would read my post but im just wondering can a guy fall in love with a voice? He hasnt even see her or met her. I hope this girl will break his heart just like how he breaks mine! And i hope when that happened he will realize the pain he had caused me! Ugh!

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Yeah, let's face it, a lot of times guys don't think with their brains, if you get my drift. He's fallen in love with a fantasy. And when he realizes it, he may try crawling back to you. But he has shown his true stripes. Don't fall for it if he tries to come back. Find a guy who will love you, not a voice on a game.

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Stop worrying about him; if this is true, he's living in a fantasy world.


Even if his new 'relationship' turns out to be a complete disaster which devastates him emotionally, it won't help you one little bit. Every bit of resentment and desire for revenge will keep you tied to a painful place - though it won't hurt him one little bit.


Carrying around resentments is a bit like swallowing poison and hoping the other person gets ill. What WILL help you is if you start focusing on you, your life, how you can make the most of your situation right now. There will come a time when you look back and realise you dodged a bullet, and that's going to happen much more quickly if you start to lead a really exciting, interesting life without him.

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It's hearsay, but it shows you that you did the right thing breaking up and deleting and blocking him. Also ask friends not to report stuff (true or false) to you about him. Don't keep tabs. NC is for you to regroup and move forward. Keeping tabs sets you back.

i heard from one of his friend that he had fallen in love with a girl he met on xbox.
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Stop worrying about him; if this is true, he's living in a fantasy world.


Even if his new 'relationship' turns out to be a complete disaster which devastates him emotionally, it won't help you one little bit. Every bit of resentment and desire for revenge will keep you tied to a painful place - though it won't hurt him one little bit.



Carrying around resentments is a bit like swallowing poison and hoping the other person gets ill. What WILL help you is if you start focusing on you, your life, how you can make the most of your situation right now. There will come a time when you look back and realise you dodged a bullet, and that's going to happen much more quickly if you start to lead a really exciting, interesting life without him.


Sure i’ll keep this in mind. Thanks though :)

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It's hearsay, but it shows you that you did the right thing breaking up and deleting and blocking him. Also ask friends not to report stuff (true or false) to you about him. Don't keep tabs. NC is for you to regroup and move forward. Keeping tabs sets you back.


Nah it wasnt a hearsay. Before i deleted him off and going NC, i did ask him whether what i heard was true. And he said yeah. So yeah. I told him i hope he will be happy with her. Lol.

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This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode...


Jerry: "I can't believe your going on a blind date?"


Elaine: "He sounds good looking."


Jerry: "Your going by sounds now? What are we whales?"


All kidding aside you have better things to do with your time than wonder what this guy is doing. If it is true that he has "fallen in love" with someone he has not yet met, he's a fool and you are better off without him.


Live your life and don't look back on this one.



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This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode...


Jerry: "I can't believe your going on a blind date?"


Elaine: "He sounds good looking."


Jerry: "Your going by sounds now? What are we whales?"


All kidding aside you have better things to do with your time than wonder what this guy is doing. If it is true that he has "fallen in love" with someone he has not yet met, he's a fool and you are better off without him.


Live your life and don't look back on this one.




Omg Mitch! You’re funny. Hahaha. Thanks though 😊

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