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Boss Question


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I am leaving my job in 3 weeks time and my boss and I get on very well. I only work part time. She is not married and I feel we have a connection. I asked her jokingly if we were going to see each other again. She is openly bisexual as am I. I have hugged her in the past and I have felt an attraction between us however she is 10 years older than me. I want to ask her out properly but would she just decline outright? I feel that life is too short. I think she is beautiful.

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If she's got an IQ higher than 60, or hasn't watched the news in a solid two years, or is, at the very least, a professional, she'll turn you down. She's your boss. Should you ever find yourself exploring your career elsewhere, by all means hit her up. For now, there's a hefty and perfectly ethical boundary precluding a romance.

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If she's got an IQ higher than 60, or hasn't watched the news in a solid two years, or is, at the very least, a professional, she'll turn you down. She's your boss. Should you ever find yourself exploring your career elsewhere, by all means hit her up. For now, there's a hefty and perfectly ethical boundary precluding a romance.


I'm leaving in 3 weeks so she won't be my boss any longer. That is why I'm posting this.

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