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Im hated because everyone hates my bestfriend

Ihora Yuka

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Im in my first middle school year in a brand new school. I met a girl, she was very nice to me. One problem, she lies, A LOT. Everyone hates her because of that and im not so happy about her lying but she is actually nice, she just cant help lying. One time when were not so close, the girls in my class helped me avoid her but when we succeded, the girls left me all alone. And im the small cute little girl at school who has loneliness problems. Since i was a baby, i will always feel unsecure, sad and lonely when im alone. I just suddenly cry. Now i can hold it but when i think of me just being alone the whole 6 years im being in a brand new school with total strangers i just feel really unhappy. So rather than being all alone, i would rather be with my bff. I came back to her and she accepted it (since she didnt have any other friends either cuz everyone hates her). We are so close now but recently, it got worst. Yesterday, i came over to my bff's house and we had tons of fun. But then a text message came at our class group (LINE). It all started when we were at the car and my bff took my phone and y'know girls stuff pretend to be me and chat at the group and text silly stuff. I told everyone that was her but then she kept taking it again and again and it got really annoying. A girl (lets call her S). S told me to STOP. I told her it wasnt me but she pinned the blame on me suddenly, now S was a not so trustable friend. S was always nice to me when her friends arent there but when her bffs are there she ignored me. Then another girl (call her K) said "yes S is correct" then i said "correct what" then K said: is this really u? Or is this my ENEMY (my bff). My bff saw the text and got really mad. She told K to respect her and not to call her enemy but K ignored and so my bff called her virus. K is quite a big tall and popular girl, she called the whole class to back her up. Sure enough, the next day (today) everyone was bullying my bff. I mean i told everyone i dont wanna be involved but then my bff (whos a liar) told K that i said she was a liar, S told me this. I told K i said nothing. Then the whole class also started bullying me just because im friends with my bff. I was so upset i wanted to cry. I never got bullied before, my bff tried to cheer me up and calmed me down. Then i told my mom and she told me to stay away from my bff cuz she made me got bullied.


Thing is, my bff WAS mean to me and ruined my life at semester 1 but now shes nice to me but still lies. But because of her, my friends bully me, and if i dont be with my bff anymore, these so called friends dont wanna be friends with me. They just want my bff to not have friends. But as i said, im just like the youngest,small,cute,and sensitive little girl in a new school with total strangers. I didnt know what to do. I also had a crush on a boy, but now my chance is probably ruined because K spread rumours about me. K and her 2 friends (L,girl and N,boy) bullied me and it made me sad. They bullied me infront of my crush and the whole class and teachers. My crush didnt say and do anything to me or about this. Everyone didnt really say anything except for K,L, and N,N's bff R, and L's bff M. I tried to tell the teachers but the teachers could've cared less. I wanted to move school but i cant and i have to wait until i graduate. I want to tell my mom that i got bullied again but my bff said to not. Because if my mom told the teachers, my "friends" would bully me more by saying im a tattletale. And the teachers didnt even do anything! What should i do? If i get bullied anymore than this im gonna get depressed. This is my first time getting bullied in a new school. I hate this! Pls help someone, what should i do? Leave my bff or just live my life getting bullied. I wanted to pretend to hate my bff but we will meet secretly on break and lunch but my bff didnt want that so WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Today is friday and at monday im going to school. I dont wanna go to school anymore, i hate school!


I hate school and i hate all the friends here. They are all FAKE FRIENDS.

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You need to tell your parents and your teachers/the school what is going on. Get rid of this frenemy- google it.

Im in my first middle school year in a brand new school. when i think of me just being alone the whole 6 years im being in a brand new school with total strangers i just feel really unhappy. Then i told my mom and she told me to stay away from my bff . I want to tell my mom that i got bullied again but my bff said to not. Because if my mom told the teachers, my "friends" would bully me more by saying im a tattletale. I hate school and i hate all the friends here.
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Well, first of all, lock your phone and don't let your friend use it ever again. Then I agree with Wiseman and tell your parents. I was bullied at school and I should have been more proactive about that. Also what does your bff say and who does she say this to if no one is her friend? Does anybody really believe her at this point?

Also, as Wiseman said, you're better off keeping away from this girl and being alone than to have her as a friend.

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I want to tell my mom that i got bullied again but my bff said to not. Because if my mom told the teachers, my "friends" would bully me more by saying im a tattletale.


Since they're bullying you anyway, your odds of solving the problem are better if you'll get adults involved. Retaliation against 'tattle-tales' is a problem that most schools have put plans in place to address.


Your school nurse's office is likely accessible for walk-ins, so ask the nurse or staff to either speak with you privately or to refer you to a school counselor for an emergency.


Plainly tell each adult you speak with that you fear retaliation and want to know how that can be prevented before you're willing to discuss any names.


If you want to speak with your Mom over the weekend, start by saying, "I want to tell you something, but I need you to promise first that we can negotiate a plan about it that we both agree on instead of you taking it out of my hands."

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