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Girls and masturbation

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I was just wondering how old most girls are when they have their first orgasm. I know boys start masturbating around 12-13 and usually do not have problems with this. Girls have to teach themselves so it usually takes more time. I am just wondering because I keep hearing a lot of girls talking about them having their first orgasm at 8 years old. I didn't have one until I was 16. I started developing young so I felt very sexual since I was about 9 years old. I would rub myself because it was arousing, but I never orgasmed. It wasn't until I was 16 and I accidentally rubbed up against a water jet where I came extremely fast and easy. After that it took time for me to manually learn how to have an orgasm, but haven't had any trouble since I became an expert. My friends say they had their first orgasm around 16-17 years old. I am surprised how many young girls I have been hearing saying they have been having them since 8 years old. I want to also know, how often they masturbate since they started.

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Everybody is different. One of my ex didn't get an orgasm until I met het and I was 18 she was 20. I had to teach her many things and try lots of different things with her. I've had other girls where I didn't have to do a single thing to her they just came, over and over... I don't know everybody is different. Find out what you like try things with yourself after all it's your own body you can do everything you want with it just don't hurt it.

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  • 9 months later...
Don't believe everything that everyone tells you. Many people, esp. young people, like to brag and make up stories. There are some people who never masturbate. I doubt that most 8 or 9 year olds do it...that would be sick they do. Thats way too young....Children need to be kids and not become perverted as some are.


There is nothing perverted about masturbation, and some kids that young do do it, usually without having a clue what they are doing or connecting it to sex- even if they know about sex. It's extremely innocent rather than perverted. Sexual behaviour (rubbing against things etc.) has been seen in toddlers without anything being amiss. Also, I don't think this is the kind of thing girls 'brag' about, though boys might.


I think I was 12 or 13, and I don't think I really connected what I was doing to sex, I just knew it felt good. I didn't get interested in any kind of sexual physical interaction with anyone else until a few years after that, and even then for a long time I didn't want to do anything but kiss.

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There is nothing perverted about masturbation, and some kids that young do do it, usually without having a clue what they are doing or connecting it to sex- even if they know about sex. It's extremely innocent rather than perverted. Sexual behaviour (rubbing against things etc.) has been seen in toddlers without anything being amiss. Also, I don't think this is the kind of thing girls 'brag' about, though boys might.


You're absolutely right. Lots of YOUNG children touch themselves because it feels good. It is in NO way connected to sex at that point. I think kids don't do it with the ultimate goal of orgasm until they read about orgasms someplace, or hear about it from their friends.

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There is nothing perverted about masturbation, and some kids that young do do it, usually without having a clue what they are doing or connecting it to sex- even if they know about sex. It's extremely innocent rather than perverted. Sexual behaviour (rubbing against things etc.) has been seen in toddlers without anything being amiss. Also, I don't think this is the kind of thing girls 'brag' about, though boys might.


I think I was 12 or 13, and I don't think I really connected what I was doing to sex, I just knew it felt good. I didn't get interested in any kind of sexual physical interaction with anyone else until a few years after that, and even then for a long time I didn't want to do anything but kiss.



Thank you! I discovered masturbation at a very early age. I had no idea what it was ... I just knew it felt really good. That doesn't make me perverted! Everyone is different ... and this is NOT bragging(as one poster would say). Everyone is different.

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Thats interesting! i did not know girls even knew how to orgasm at such an early age of 13. well, men in general are all different, however most men do start masturbation during or after pruperty. erections, occur almost unconsciously. for instance, the sensation of your penis rubbing against your pants when walking or as a result of cold weather. Hey, it happens! it does become something that can be controled as time goes on. masturbation usually starts as an accident and turns into what some men might participate in doing regulary. i'll tell you a seceret most men dont even know. male orgasm and men cuming during sexual activity are not the same thing. just becuase he came does not mean he orgasmed. its the motion of what your doing is what cuases a reaction. its what it was made to do, however depending on if he is even of aware of that than you might be pumping a dry well. it could be reason why some men want sex more often than woman. when a woman has orgasm she is definitely satisfied opposed to males in most cases who just cum and are not really satisfied. thereforeeee, enough is never enough. if you didnt know, now you know.

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Several times I've heard the opposite of what many have reported in this thread. Some women thought they were having orgasms all along and didn't realize until much older that they weren't after they had a true orgasm. There are also many women who have never had one, or never had one with a partner.


To clarify what Rawk-1 is saying, orgasm and ejaculation in a male may not necessarily be linked. I'm not actually sure which one is being referred to when men talk about coming.

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haha...yea, me 2 i was about 12 but i have friends who have told me that they were 8 or 9 as well...or mybe 10...and by the way its true that masturbation is healthy and natural...thing is, theres a difference: when its done at a very early age it isnt sexual masturbation or masturbation accompanied by fantasy; its what i call pleasurable exploration, just finding out about the body, etc...later on fantasy kicks in...thats when we call it masturbation. who agrees? by the way...i admit i masturbate...but i cant be the only girl to do so..can i?...who agrees?...other gurls do it...rite? i mean this is not smtg i ever discuss with my friends...

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but i cant be the only girl to do so..can i?...who agrees?...other gurls do it...rite? i mean this is not smtg i ever discuss with my friends...


NO! You are NOT the only chick that masturbates! In high school, I lived by the mantra "there are two types of girls, those who masturbate, and those who lie about it". That's not to say that ever single chick in this world tried to get herself off (though I encourage it), but most do.


It's sad that teenage girls don't talk about it. Once you get a bit older, hit your 20s, it will be more open to talk about. Me and my friends talk about mastubation and sex toys regularly. There's no shame in it.

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I am just wondering because I keep hearing a lot of girls talking about them having their first orgasm at 8 years old. I didn't have one until I was 16. I started developing young so I felt very sexual since I was about 9 years old. I would rub myself because it was arousing, but I never orgasmed. It wasn't until I was 16 and I accidentally rubbed up against a water jet where I came extremely fast and easy.


I started with I was like 7 or 8 and at 8, had my first orgasm. Everyone has a different stage, some develop faster than others.

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I masturbated for as long as I can remember (I can remember being like 4 or 5) and I am pretty sure I was having orgasms before I was seven... there was a definite "finish" to what I was doing that felt really good, and would make me lose interest in doing it again (for at least an hour... lol). I was a masturbation-addict as a child.


But I didn't have and orgasm with a partner until I was 19 or 20.

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Some people DO have their first one at 8 or 9. I was 9 - but I really want to emphasise that I had no real ideas about *sex* or anyting, I just accidentally discovered it, kept going with it and found out that one thing lead to that particular result!


I know its odd but there are advantages, I can cum in 43 seconds now. .. yes, I have timed it. I am a freak.

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I know its odd but there are advantages, I can cum in 43 seconds now


Show off ... *grins*


Just curious though, mentally, do you prepare ahead of time? Just wondering if you're envisioning people, places, situations etc to get worked up before you start. Curious because that information could be handy to other people in learning about what makes themselves and others tick. Handy to women who want to know what they're missing when they try and can't seem to get there. And handy to us guys who are always searching for how to makes our loved ones more satisfied ... a lot of it is in the mind and I like to put my lover in that mindset!

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I know its odd but there are advantages, I can cum in 43 seconds now. .. yes, I have timed it.


Ash's sig about setting a personal goal takes on a whole new meaning when put with this sentence....


Raises another question. Which do people prefer: to take there time when doing it, or to really go at it and get it over with? I know it probably varies on your mood, but which do people prefer more often?

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Ash's sig about setting a personal goal takes on a whole new meaning when put with this sentence....


LMAO ... never though about it that way.


Depends on my mood as far as the other question. (And all the younger readers of this thread (who are most of you!!) are going ... eewwww!!)

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