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Not sure to still have hope in job offer. Advice.

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My husband was approached by a company about a month ago for a really great position. The interview lasted 4 hrs and he was offered the job shortly after. The company is about 2 hrs away from where we currently live. So we would be relocating. They came at an low offer which we discussed over night if it was was worth moving for the salary offered. He called them back and talked with them. Which they called back a few hours later willing to meet the salary he desired. My husband accepted. Well, the process has been a journey and stressful. A week later he went for a drug test and pasted. The owner sent him a application and background check form to fill outfill out the following day. He filler out the info. and sent back the requested info. When he went in for the drug test the doctor noticed that his blood sugar was high. So they ordered A1C test. He then went in the 3rd week into our family doctor to do the test. So once the results came back then they would need to be sent to the doctor in the town we would be moving too. As the doctor is what the potential employer goes through. We got the results last Monday. So by Thursday the person from the employer checked in with my husband. My husband told them that the results came back normal and that the results should have be sent to the employer doctor. Anyways, the employer said that he would be put this past Friday and will either check or have HR check with the doctor.


So here it s now going into Wednesday and haven't heard anything from his potential employer. How long does my husband have to wait? It is going on a month and still no start Date. My husband seems to have given up. I feel that there is still hope in this. Is there a time limit on when to move on? Are they still considering? Is a month to long for a hiring process?

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Your husband should be calling the office of the person who interviewed him or the HR department about every week asking how things are progressing. Some companies want to see that you're eager to work and that you're interested. If you don't call, you don't get it. Your husband should immediately call the company and see what's happening.


I will say as a footnote that there are some companies that do take months to hire someone. They leave unfilled positions open as long as possible to save money. But your husband should call.

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Hello. Hey, do not lose hope! Some companies have long waits to finally hire someone! This can easily take months, really! Tell your husband to contact HR so they keep him in the loop. There is nothing wrong with that. Do not feel down, most likely it is just a delay. If they decided to not hire him for any reason, they would have let him know immediately. He has a job offer in writing, right? Good luck!

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Someone offered my husband a job after 3 interviews with higher ups and his future boss. They said they would get an offer out to him. Well, that was around end of November, and lo and behold, job position is still in limbo. They are aiming attract some investors, so not adding on new jobs officially. Just have him call once a week till they are clear on what is going on. It is okay for him to stay at a long-term hotel while you find a place for the whole family. No need for you to rush.

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He talked to the main person last Thursday to follow up. Sounded like the person he followed up with would get back to him. My husband hasn't called yet this week. He said if He talked to the main person last Thursday to follow up. Sounded like the person he followed up with would get back to him. My husband hasn't called yet this week. He said if he didn't hear back by yesterday (Tuesday) that he is just going to let it go. I think he feels that he has done what he could do. At this moment in time it's in the employers hands since they are waiting for the doctor they use to sign off. I have a hard time letting go because I think this a great opportunity for him and us as a family. I do want him to follow up at least 1 more time on Friday to give them a chance. The only thing in writing is the application and background paperwork.

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Well, they sent an email withdrawing their offer. No explanation of why they made the choice. My anixety is through the roof. Sad and upset that we spent a whole month dealing with driving 2 hrs away from home. Then doing all the request that they wanted and waiting.

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Well, they sent an email withdrawing their offer. No explanation of why they made the choice. My anixety is through the roof. Sad and upset that we spent a whole month dealing with driving 2 hrs away from home. Then doing all the request that they wanted and waiting.


I'm sorry, I can relate somewhat to be given the runaround by potential job opportunities. Don't let these stupid employers get to you or your husband.

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It's just been diffcult bc I don't make a lot. Making enough to pay the bills. My husband hasn't been working for the past year. It was diffcult receiving the email with no explanation why they withdrew their offer. Then 2 days later the job is back up on a few different job hiring sites. I am upset with the way they handled themselves. I want something to work for my husband more than anything. Just worry a lot and stress way to much.

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It's just been diffcult bc I don't make a lot. Making enough to pay the bills. My husband hasn't been working for the past year. It was diffcult receiving the email with no explanation why they withdrew their offer. Then 2 days later the job is back up on a few different job hiring sites. I am upset with the way they handled themselves. I want something to work for my husband more than anything. Just worry a lot and stress way to much.


for whatever a reason, they decided he was not the right fit. If you are hiring someone for a farm to live on your property, its more than just about qualifications - there has to be a personality fit and more. I have been there -- gone on the 2nd interview and thought I had it in the bag - got the drug test, etc. They did question the blood sugar you have to be physically able to do the work and if he was unaware that he might be diabetic, for example, that puts a kink in things.


We don't know why the offer was withdrawn. He just needs to continue applying to everything. if he hasn't worked in a year, can he go for a certificate program to get the skills he needs to be hired by someone?

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