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Hello all, I havent posted here in a bit. In November I went through a break up, we dated eight months, it wasn’t amazing but wasn’t bad it was healthy but no “spark” just became complacent. Only thing we ever argued about was his ex, he swore up and don’t he wouldn’t ever date her again that I had nothing to worry about etc. of course a week after we broke up they were back together and she was posting pictures online of the two of them. We haven’t talked since. I’ve moved on, it felt heart breaking but it was relatively easy to move on I think because of how things fell apart. We were on a date on a Saturday night, had an argument Tuesday morning and he ended it. I had wanted a chance to make things fun and exciting again but he was adamantly against it. Now I know he had probably planned on reconciling with her and that’s why he wouldn’t give it a fair chance.


Anyways, I left work today and decided to take the 5 vs a toll road home (I usually take but it has been getting expensive). I get on the off ramp then turn to my right and there he is. In his step dads truck. My car is pretty recognizable, he was in a large truck I’m in a compact with a sticker on the back that he knows. Basically he knows it was me, we made quick eye contact and we were stuck at this light and the next street for over three miles. His head was down the whole time. Not that I was staring or expecting a wave but you know, he was hiding his face.



Until now I haven’t thought much of it but of course it shocked me. Brings the whole situation back and honestly brings back the annoyance of what he did and how much he lied to me.


I guess just venting no real question here

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i think getting back with a previous ex after a break up is a pretty easy way to for him to not be alone. We read it on here all the time. Your ex finally breaks no contact and immediately everyone responds that they are either bored, lonely, horny, or just got dumped.


I get your situation is a little bit different. He ended it but I wouldn't put too much stock in the he was planning on doing that.


You're still better off because now you are free to find someone with a spark. Not like you have to do it right away like he did. He'll be still screwed up with his ex / current gf and you'll be healed.


Had a similar thing happened seeing an ex in traffic.... it wasn't my most recent breakup so I kind of laugh about it now but boy did that trip me out.


Hang in there honey keep posting and venting to us, you'll get through it and you'll be glad because you don't really want to be with someone ho-hum.

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