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Should I be offended?


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Hi guys,


So my girlfriend and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Saturday, she posted a cute picture of us together on her Instagram to commemorate it.


Now, the picture didn’t get as many likes as she usually gets as not so many other guys liked it seeing as I’m in the picture. I was browsing through Instagram earlier and saw that she had deleted the picture and uploaded a new one with her friend?


Now I’m not much of a social media user and hardly post anything so I am naturally quite offended seeing as she deleted an anniversary picture because it didn’t get as many likes as a picture of her in a dress...


Am I just being a tad over dramatic and petulant or would any of you feel slightly offended by something like this?


I would love to hear your opinions, thank!

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I wouldn't say anything to her about it. Let her bring up the subject. I assume that she knows you see her Instagram content.


I would let it go for a week or so, and then tell her that you lost your copy of it. Ask her if it's out on the site or if she can send it to you. Then pay close attention to her reactions.

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