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Angry at partner constantly


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My partner used to be very impulsive, and didn't know where the line was drawn. She is now much better at controlling herself, mostly because she has noticed when I've gotten angry. But the things she has done before, and now regrets, are almost always on my mind. It's been like that for half a year now, and it is ruining me and our relationship.


We have talked, but that only helps temporarily. I've tried blaming our on myself, but I just get mad at her again.


For context, she's 19 and im 18. This is my first ever relationship, which has lasted a year and a half. But she had had a couple of relationships before, which also makes me jelous and feel all kinds of weird feelings.


I need help, because we really do click together, at least when I'm happy, but i don't know if this is going to last or not, and I want us both to be happy.

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Don't worry. After a while people find out about each other and sometimes get on each other's nerves. You can never change anyone. So work on whatever you can do to respond differently. If she is not for you in the long run, you'll know soon enough.

she's 19 and im 18. This is my first ever relationship, which has lasted a year and a half.
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