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Just an update


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Hey, so there's some things going on with the girl I talked about in my other posts a while back.

Just a recap, she told me she had something complicated going on with a dude and she needed to figure that out first but would love to be friends.

She went off the radar for a bit, but she eventually started talking to me again, but not on the regular.


But last Friday I think I won her attention - in a good way. I invited her to go to church with me last Sunday and then hang out shortly at my place. She agreed!


Turns out, she's just as religious as I am, since she was home-schooled her whole life with a strict, Christian curriculum.


So I picked her up, we went and had a great time. She got to see me perform on stage, which was cool. We ended up going out to olive garden after church and socialized. Then we went to my place for a little bit before I took her home. She got to meet my mom and they really clicked. We continued to text frequently for the rest of the night.


She brought up wanting to sing a song with me for a local open mic, which I agreed to. Then we planned to hang out today. I picked her up this morning, we practiced our parts, played video games, and had a really fun time. When I brought her home, I met both her parents. And they really liked me. Even said I was welcome to come over (which is crazy because her parents are really protective).


Now, it seems like she's really getting into it. The thing is, she's been leaning more toward a crush than just a friend thing I think. Here's why.


1.) She complains when I stand/sit too far away.

2.) She sits close to me.

3.) She took a picture of me and her and put it on snapchat.

4.) She recently started liking a lot of my stuff on facebook.

5.) She keeps mentioning hanging out more.

6.) She LITERALLY ASKED FOR A HUG. (She tried to justify this by saying she gives all her friends hugs, but I feel like that was just her trying not to make it awkward)

7.) When we played games and she beat me, she'd look at me teasingly. Vice versa

8.) When I shared something on facebook that said "share if you're ugly", she commented "Wrong."

9.) She asked me if I liked her outfit

10.) She claims the reason she's able to talk so much so soon to me is because we "click"


So I think we're hanging out again in a few days to practice for open mic again.


But here's the thing. I really do think she's starting to like me the way I would like her to, which is great. But I still can't be for sure. I think Mr. Complicated is still in the picture, but I really don't know anything about the situation, let alone who it is. She told me some boy named Cory is coming into her salon tomorrow (cause I was going to come in again to try and help her get promoted). I'm not sure if this is THE dude or just another friend but.


Also, in the ride home today she told me her mom asked if we were a thing and that she said we were just friends. I feel like if that were really the case she wouldn't have even brought it up. You don't really bring up relationship conversations with your parents to someone who's just a friend.


I've been doing all the right things, holding doors open for her, opening her car door, etc. She's been giving off signs but I still don't know. Do you think maybe she's on the edge? Things aren't working out with the dude? Or she likes me more???


My game plan for the next few weeks is just to continue doing what I've been doing. And when Valentine's day roles around I'll just nonchalantly ask how it went. If she doesn't mention Mr. Complicated or doesn't have anything good to say about it, then I'll make my move.

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I think she's treating you like she would a girlfriend. I wonder if there really is a Mr. Complicated. She may just be avoiding relationships. I don't know if you can win her over, but I think you're overthinking what she's saying and doing. Either go with the flow or just break it off now.

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She's been posting a lot of dating-related things on facebook as well. One post says "do you ever want to cuddle with your boyfriend then realize you don't have one".


I think there is a dude. She's seemed pretty honest to me. She's been single for three years. But for all I know maybe she just made that up because she didn't really know me at the time and she was scared.

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I'd say these are good signs, but based on your last post part of me is wondering if you're looking at things through a hopeful rose tinted lens.


She knows you're interested. You came to her straight and asked and she told you no. It could change she could become interested in you, it could stay the same, hard to say, just try to remember women will keep a male around as a friend, support system and ego boost. I wouldn't take that alone as a sign of anything. Until her actions and words are crystal clear, tread carefully.


Good luck.


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Unfortunately it sounds like she would like to have complicated dude as this bf and since she keeps reiterating that you're just friends, she's hanging out with you until he's free. Don't set yourself up for hurt, ask her where you stand and what's up with complicated dude and what she meant by that.

One post says "do you ever want to cuddle with your boyfriend then realize you don't have one".
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