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Jumping back into online dating


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1. TEXT: Have a fun, entertaining text that stands out from the crowd (not just the basic “I love to travel, hanging out with friends, go out sometimes, but also like to stay in” everyone writes). NO negativity (“I feel so lonely,” “Only message me if…” – it’s ok if you want to weed out, but the weirdos will write you anyway, so don’t scare away the good ones by being negative/desperate). Proofread.


2. PICTURES: Use 3-4 recent high-quality pictures without any weird filters. Avoid sunglasses or hats, and use at least one with your face, and one where your whole body is on (so others don’t think there might be any bad surprises). Smile! And don’t use any pictures that could be unflattering. You only look as good as your worst picture.


3. CONTACT: If you want to write someone, use engaging texts with clues from their profiles. Don’t start with a basic “Hey, you’re cute” or “How was your weekend.” If you want to meet them, don't text too long until you get bored - rather meet sooner than later. Have some ideas for first meets, so you already have some suggestions for the other.



Also: Ask a friend for feedback on your profile, maybe they can give you good pointers.

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I think that "online" is just a mean to know someone, it doesn't come with specific rules that differ from meeting someone personally... however, there are some things that can help:


- Have pictures of yourself and not always int he middle of a crowd


- Have pictures where it's easy to see you and have an insight of your hobbies and always keep it classy


- If after a week (or two max) of talking online a meeting in person is not being at least planned... abort mission and don't waste your time on online chat. Also don't get too attached before actually meeting them in person.


- The first dates always on public places and always having your own mean of transportation. Never meet at their place on the first date.


- Ensure that the first meeting is short to get a first impression of the person and that you can both easily end the date politely if things get too awkward.


- Keep in mind that many people on online dating are multidating, trying to forget old relationships and flings or simply just having fun, even if their profiles try to portray otherwise so once more, don't attach to much and try to get to know your dates better before coming to any conclusion or willingness to commitment.


- See the first meeting(s) as just a way of getting to know them better and see if there's something there that can lead to a good relationship and not as a relationship itself

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Try going out to social events, friends parties, etc and meet people irl. On line dating is no magic bullet. I met my husband through a social group. We were attracted to each other and simply started talking. The rest is history. Interacting in person is a better way to gauge someone IMO, rather than a photo and some bs profile.

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