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So my ex and I were together to 3 years. We broke up because I thought one of his friends that was a girl was more than his friend. I broke up with him because my previous ex cheated on me and I thought he did the same . But I realized I could be wrong and went back to him and he rejected me saying I should of trusted him etc . I kept trying and he wouldn't forgive me. Now finally I ask him are u seeing someone and he says yes and he likes this girl so much and they been seeing each other a week everyday and supposedly she is his girlfriend now. This has hurt me more than anything . How can u be so into someone in a week and he works so how do they see each other everyday ? He was never that type of guy.


I just don't know how to get over him? I am depressed and even went to doctors today to seek therapy because I can't function in life right now. I am at loss at how to go on with life? Does it get better because life is really depressing right now ?

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Please take care of you. Forgive yourself first. Get therapy or whatever is needed.

If you continue to carry this guilt you will not heal. You also need to address your

own insecurity and trust issues from the past, so as not to bring them into a relationship.


He's not that into her, looks like a rebound. You have to trust you did what you could.

He knows how you feel. Don't beg, plead, stalk, contact. Just let him do his thing.

If he reaches out to you, only answer if you feel emotionally stable in doing so.

You don't want to rehash the past and be overly emotional.


This will get better! Give it time

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How old are you? (Nobody fills out their ENA profiles!) During teenage years, this is quite common. Someone will be with someone for a week or a month, then break up and go out with somebody else for a month or two, then break up, etc.


I realize that you went out with this guy for three years, but, at your age, you have to learn not to take this so hard that you have to seek medical care. This is the real world and you can't force someone to give their love to you. It doesn't work that way. Prince Charming doesn't just ride up on his horse and you live happily ever after. Dating and relationships are all about finding someone who you are compatible with. Sure, it's nice to be held and hugged and kissed, but you can get that from just about anyone. It's more about whether you have personalities that complement each other, whether you're compatible physically, and whether your dreams for family meld together.


So what do you do right now to get over him? Well, like you, I am suspicious that he found another girlfriend in a week. I think you may have been correct, and if he wasn't cheating, he certainly used your accusation as a reason to dump you. I think he was just looking for a way to get out of the relationship. Sorry, but I think it ran its course. To help to get over him, try talking with your friends or mom and dad about this and get support from them. Your parents in particular can tell you the way it is. Also distract yourself with going for walks in the sun and doing things you want to do, particularly things that your boyfriend may not have wanted to do with you. And look around and see if there's a nice boy around that you might have a crush on. I always say to pick a nice, quiet, shy guy. They're usually the most loyal. By the way, everyone here has been through what you've been through. There is a future and you will find a nice guy.

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IF he is seeing someone new, even this girl who you thought was more than a friend, she's probably not a girlfriend, he is probably just saying that it's more serious than it is to make you feel bad.


Also, remember this: If you were cheated on in the past, it doesn't mean you would be cheated on in the future. You need to learn to trust people.

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If you were with the guy 3 years then he shouldn’t just have thrown it all away for this . He should have acknowledged where your issues were coming from and supported you to get through them . That’s what a supportive boyfriend would do . However he appeared to use this as a chance to exit the relationship. This new person he knows all of 5 minutes so no it is not serious . He might be saying he sees her everyday to exaggerate how serious she is . All you can do is apologize and let him know you recognize you were wrong and will go for councelling etc . If he really wants to still be in the relationship he will come back . Couples support each other through bigger crisis ..and we all have our own things going on we are human so partners have to be able to work through these things together and not bolt like him .

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