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Well, isn't holiday suppose to be holy days? And I can't think of any way this would be holy so clearly its just some token day created by drug users to try and make themselves feel better. It's still disturbing, despicable and wrong.


Who gets to decide what's "holy" to a group? I'm against the moronic notions of religion in all shapes and forms and to me, Easter and Christmas aren't holy?


But I'm not up in arms claiming that Christians use these days to make themselves feel better.


Perhaps some tolerance and acceptance and an escape from your closed in, conservative mind would help?

Learn to respect that we all have different values and to marijuana smokers, the 20th of April is significant.


So how does smoking marijuana make you any more 'open minded'?

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Whoa, lots of opinions flying here...


First of all, smoking pot is not all that far off from drinking beer as far as recreational drugs go.


Alcohol is a drug. So is nicotine, caffeine (tea, coffee, pop) and even chocolate.


If you don't think people are addicted to caffeine, then you need to wake up and smell the coffee


The big difference between pot and alcohol, is that millions of people have died as a result of using alcohol. Oh... and pot is illegal throughout most of the western world.

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Perhaps some tolerance and acceptance and an escape from your closed in, conservative mind would help?

Learn to respect that we all have different values and to marijuana smokers, the 20th of April is significant.


I keep a very open mind, but when it comes to things that are harmful to people I will at least speak out and say how I feel. My brother had a drug problem for years which was a constant source of problems for him and everyone who truly cares about. It set his life back a good deal and prevented him from being the person he admitted he wanted to be. I also know of many other people who have done drugs and messed up their lives. I can say with confidence that drugs don't help you at all, they are far more likely to harm you, or even kill you.


Let me just say that I don't criticize the people who take them, just the act of taking them. Everyone is a good person at heart, but we are not perfect and make mistakes.

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Your joking right? People have actually come up with a holiday to celebrate drug use? I weep for humanity, I weep.


Well it seems to me that people celebrate alcohol in all of its glory. Festivals like Octoberfest are based on the consumption of beer, and alcohol seems to be widely accepted as a drug to party or "celebrate" any special occasion with. Why not pot? They're both drugs, but when you look at any non-biased research alchol is more detrimental to your health and well being. Alcohol impairs people far more, it does way more damage to the brain (although people commonly believe pot is far worse, this isn't the case... cat scans have been done to people who have been drinking compared to people who are high and the results are scary. If anyone has seen what the brain looks like after binge drinking they might rethink their championship title match to see who can down a 26 faster). The kidneys and liver are also not big fans of the sauce.


That being said, the only reason a majority of the people on here are against pot is because Western society has made it taboo... pot is considered an illegal substance. Since alcohol is legal, people don't mind if you drink up. Pot used to be legal until the jazz era introduced intermingling of white and black folks. White girls would be listening to these talented black jazz musicians and (well we know the whole groupie stories) one thing led to another... white women started having colored children. Since they couldn't face the consequences at home from their strict conservative families, pot was believed to be a date rape drug that seduced these women. Now anyone who has ever smoked pot knows that when you're stoned you aren't a target for rape. In fact, when you're drunk it is far more likely that someone will take advantage of you. That being said, that is one of the main reasons that marijuana was made illegal in the United States... the whole reefer madness movement.


Any substance you put into your body should be your right... research it beforehand, but just because one drug is more socially acceptable than another doesn't mean it's less harmful to you. I've smoked pot before and still do, and I can tell you that it hasn't harmed me anymore than when I drink.


I graduated from highschool with a 96% average and got a scolarship to University.


Just a rant... too many people are blinded by the Unites States' influence on what they say is right or wrong. Although Canada is slowly becoming more tolerant of marijuana (particularely in BC where they've opened pot coffee shops and bed and breakfasts) the influence from the US is too great for Canada to make any changes in legislation. If Canada were to legalize pot, the US would have a sh*t.

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I didn't want to say this since it wasn't the topic, but I also dislike alcohol as well. I've also seen plenty of alcoholics mess up their lives. I think of it as the "accepted drug" by most people, which I don't get either. It does alot of damage but somehow it slips through the cracks. Both are harmful, and I don't approve of either.


I never have and don't plan on taking any drugs or alcohol. This has nothing to do with what society says, if anything society would probably say I'm crazy. This comes from seeing the affect it has on others and not wanting to repeat their mistakes. I can live a healthy, happy life without them so I don't see any point in it. I think the real question is why do people take them to begin with?

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P-Frenchie you make some good points. So technically I've already done drugs. I dunno I guess it just really bothers me to think about the smoke that is entering my body. Like I said before, I"m very self-conscious about what is going down my body. That's why I rarely even drink alchohol.


So I guess I should ask this: if I were to drink in moderation once in while (meaning no more than once every two weeks or so), would that still be pretty detrimental to my health?

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There are other problems and issues involved then just what it does to your body, although that's a big consideration. Speaking about drugs in general, it can be addictive. If you try one drug and everything seems fine, what's to stop you from saying its all right to try another? One thing can lead to another and those other things can be even more harmful. Once your resistance has been worn down, a lot can happen that you never planned on. I'm not saying everyone will but the temptation is there and most people aren't that likely to resist.


Then there are issues of getting the drugs. For one, as has been pointed out it is illegal in the West. So right aware you are breaking the law which can lead to negative consequences. I'm sure its not cheap, so there is a money element involved. Plus there is just the emotional impact that what you are doing can have on you and on the people who care about you. Do you think most mothers would proudly say there kid is doing drugs? Or would they most likely be disappointed?

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Well, isn't holiday suppose to be holy days? And I can't think of any way this would be holy so clearly its just some token day created by drug users to try and make themselves feel better. It's still disturbing, despicable and wrong.


Who gets to decide what's "holy" to a group? I'm against the moronic notions of religion in all shapes and forms and to me, Easter and Christmas aren't holy?


But I'm not up in arms claiming that Christians use these days to make themselves feel better.


Perhaps some tolerance and acceptance and an escape from your closed in, conservative mind would help?

Learn to respect that we all have different values and to marijuana smokers, the 20th of April is significant.


So how does smoking marijuana make you any more 'open minded'?


I don't think he meant smoking marijuana made you more openminded. But more commenting on the way ShySoul seems to judge so quickly on something he doesn't really seem to know so much about (no offense ShySoul, I'm just pointing out my opinion, from what I've read from your posts, you don't seem to have much knowledge or experience with drugs or "drug culture".

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Perhaps some tolerance and acceptance and an escape from your closed in, conservative mind would help?

Learn to respect that we all have different values and to marijuana smokers, the 20th of April is significant.


I keep a very open mind, but when it comes to things that are harmful to people I will at least speak out and say how I feel. My brother had a drug problem for years which was a constant source of problems for him and everyone who truly cares about. It set his life back a good deal and prevented him from being the person he admitted he wanted to be. I also know of many other people who have done drugs and messed up their lives. I can say with confidence that drugs don't help you at all, they are far more likely to harm you, or even kill you.


Let me just say that I don't criticize the people who take them, just the act of taking them. Everyone is a good person at heart, but we are not perfect and make mistakes.


That's a bad thing that happened to your brother, and I'm sorry. But consider the following things.


Your brother started using drugs when he was in an emotionally weak state.


Because of this, his judgement was impaired on his use of drugs, and misused them to a degree where it "set him back in life".


Don't you think that the problem was more that he misjudging drugs? And if he little or no experience with drugs beforehand, combined with his state of emotional instability, he was overwhelmed by the experience.



Now my point is this:


It is possible to use drugs without messing up your life. The main drug related problems stem from lack of education and lack of control when using a drug. It is similar with alcohol, if you don't know what positive/negative effects it has on your mind and body, then you cannot really have a good judgement on how much is an appropriate level. In such situations of doubt, you should not take drugs, or if taking drugs, do so to a minimal extent.


Also, if a person has problems and uses drugs to cope with their problems, then it's not the drug that's responsible for that person's problem, it's the way the person deals with it.


I know a lot of people who have taken drugs and who have messed up their lives. I also know a lot of people who have taken drugs and who are happy and fully functional, and don't have any bodily or mental health issues obtained from drug use.


The difference between these people is the amount of responsibility and knowledge they have with drugs. The first lot of people I know did honestly irresponsible in life beforehand, and to be honest, drugs were a catalyst, but I do know that even if they did not take drugs, they were headed down that path anyway, they would've messed up with something else (alcohol, gangs, etc).


The second type of people were people who had more control over their actions, and did actually take time to learn about a drug before taking it. This is the more responsible approach, especially since people can be alergic to cocaine without knowing it. After they learnt about their drug, they made up their mind on whether or not to take it, and they always started off small.


These people also do have a better understanding of their own personal limits, and will stay away from certain drugs, and not use excessive amounts. I find this to be a responsible attitude (which is required with something as mind affecting as drugs). Some also decided not to take drugs anymore, not because they thought the act was evil, but just because they objectively thought the benefits did not outweigh the negatives in their particular situation (athletes not wanting to slow down their body, etc) much like they decide not to eat high calorie foods.


Your argument could be applied with food as well. Some people eat too much food due to emotional instability, but it's not the act of eating food that's the cause of problems, it's the person's lack of control.

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I appreciate your comments. The thing is, I've been around drugs more than you would think. My whole life I've lived in an area where I just have to walk a block and I could find someone selling easily. People are doing drugs right on the doorstep to our apartment and my dad and I have had to chase them away. I see needles and drug paraphenilla on the street all the time. I also see the people who are homeless and have nothing because they got caught up in drugs. Hey, I was even asked once in broad daylight if I wanted to buy some drugs while I was walking home and minding my own business. Plus there was the situation with my brother and other people I know that messed there lives up with drugs. I may not be a part of the "drug culture" (which the very notion of calling it a culture disturbs me) but thats because I know enough about it to know that it's not something I want to be apart of.


I'm not mad, but please don't start assuming what my brothers problem. You weren't here, you don't know him, so you really can't say anything about him. He is a very hard working, responsible guy. I'm sure he knew full well what he was getting into, the dangers and risks involved. He always felt bad about it afterwards and I know he wanted to stop. But theres a reason its called an addiction. Yes, it was always up to him to put a stop to it and he needed to see that he had the strength to do so. But when it was right there it was a tempting and easy escape. It's a way to avoid your problems instead of facing them. You can be very responsible but once you start on something it can become a habit and you don't even realize whats going on before its too late. You can rationalize and try to justify it by saying something like, "oh one times not going to hurt me" or "I work hard so I deserve some fun." But one time can easily become two, three, etc. and there are plenty of healthier ways to have fun. Well it is the person who makes the final choice, the actual drugs themselves don't make it easy. And, sad to say, most people would rather take the easy way of just giving in then to stand up and do what they know is right.


In the we all have to face ourselves. Can you honestly tell me you are going to look back at your lives and say the times when you were doing drugs were among the best times of your life?

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I can say that the periods in my life where I had taken drugs were among the best of my life.


I think to be honest, it's more of a question around the individual than the drugs. Like you said, drugs to get tempting, but it's possible to control the tempation.


What I think is wrong is that people assume that drugs are the cause of a person ruining his life. I see them more as a catalyst with the causes coming from somewhere else. Everybody I know that is messed up on drugs has had their issues in life before, and drugs are just one of a number of unhealthy ways they deal with it.


I agree that there are many people who can't handle tempations of drugs, but there are many who can. I think that a better way for society to deal with it is to give more education about drugs, and their effects, rather than just give cheesy commercials about how evil drugs ruin somebodys life.

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Yeah, right when you take the drug probably seems like the best times. Then you get to the time when the drugs wear off and their are consequences to deal with and you have some of the worst times.


Best way to deal with a problem or temptation is to not be in that situation to begin with. Then there isn't a chance of giving in.


I agree on the need to educate people instead of just scaring them. But alot of what you learn is scary in its own right. Combining the education with emotional appeals is the best way to go because it effects both people's brains and their hearts. If you learn about the negative consequences of drugs that should hopefully be enough to get you to see all the risks and dangers inherent in them and get you to realize that they aren't the right path to take.


Drugs may not be the whole cause, but they are a major contributing factor. Sure, people may have other problems and turn to drugs to deal with it. But the drugs aren't any kind of a solution and just make the problem worse. Drugs do no good, they just add to the problem and make it harder for something to be accomplished. And if you take drugs for "recreation," there's about a million other recreational activities to do.


You want to know the happiest times in my life? Being with my family and firends just talking, playing games, laughing, watching TV, etc. No need to get high or put any kind of substance in my body.

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  • 2 years later...

I love this holliday, it's a great excuse to share a common interest with people you care about. personally I'm gonna go for a hike in the woods with my friends who I don't get to see often. We'll roll a fat blunt, have a picnic, and catch up on each others lives. I'm sure some people in our group will not be smoking, that's cool too, they can drive.

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Hey guys,


Am I the only one who doesn't celebrate national pot smoking day?


Also, right now I feel discouraged because recently I met a lot of people but I find out tonight that a lot of them are celebrating this holiday. I'm not going to judge them because of it or anything but it just discourages me you know? I personally don't ever plan to do drugs.


Should I stop hanging out with these people? Not all of them do it but I would say a good 2/3 or so do it.


4:20 isent a holiday its just a random day someone picked to do drugs


the shizz is still illegal. 4:20 or march 1st dont matter


anyways yeah you should hang out with them if its what you want. i hung out with people that smoked, only reason i aint do it is beacuse i dont care for it

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the shizz is still illegal. 4:20 or march 1st dont matter



alot of places Pot is legal.


To me, it doesn't matter as long as people handle their business and take care of what they need to take care of who am I to judge? I've done things alot worse than pot so for me to say "oh they're wrong" would be quite hypocritical and it's the same for most other people who dare judge someone because they smoke pot or do any other drug. You choose who you want to be friends with, if you don't want to be friends with someone because they smoke pot then don't.

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alot of places Pot is legal.


To me, it doesn't matter as long as people handle their business and take care of what they need to take care of who am I to judge? I've done things alot worse than pot so for me to say "oh they're wrong" would be quite hypocritical and it's the same for most other people who dare judge someone because they smoke pot or do any other drug. You choose who you want to be friends with, if you don't want to be friends with someone because they smoke pot then don't.


not in Amernica

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I think the 4-20 holiday, while it might seem a bit silly is an overall good thing for the cannabis culture. It allows for a day of pride and congregation to people who choose to smoke cannabis. It's very difficult for someone involved in a rogue subculture to be able to express themselves. Now I'm not condoning drug use, but I am condemning the drug war and our laws related to marijuana. Marijuana laws in this country need and must be repealed, 4/20 offers a venue for people involved in cannabis culture to speak out against unjust laws. Many people fail to realize that the war on Marijuana is actually causing more problems in our society than marijuana itself.


Now, I would like to add that the term "drugs" is a horrible blanket term that needs clarification. Most people who smoke marijuana don't condone heroin use, cocaine use, methamphetamine use, nor believe these substances should be widely available. Yes they are all drugs.




The majority of marijuana users are productive members of society, and it is time we stopped treating these people like criminals. Drugs are a part of our culture, they have been for thousands of years, and they play an integral role in our day to day lives 90% of which is overlooked. Drugs are not bad, drug abuse is bad. Yet what's worse than both is the War On Drugs, which has cost thousands of lives, wasted billions of tax dollars, decimated our civil liberties, made a mockery of our Constitution, and for what?


Tell me, some one tell me. CAN WE EVER WIN THE WAR ON DRUGS?


Will you ever wake up and one day say, "Welp, looks like they did a good job all the drugs are officially gone we've eradicated the earth of such and such plants, and such and such chemicals now we can all rest easy!"


Get real, the war on drugs is a farce. It's a business scam and political tool. Let's celebrate 4/20, even if you don't smoke pot. Celebrate it in remembrance of your right to make decisions for yourself about your mind and body. Celebrate it for the many good things drugs have done for our society (that's right drugs are responsible for many great things, and arguably have saved more lives than taken), and recognize the negative things related to drug use as well and think of creative ways to remedy those ills.

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P-Frenchie you make some good points. So technically I've already done drugs. I dunno I guess it just really bothers me to think about the smoke that is entering my body. Like I said before, I"m very self-conscious about what is going down my body. That's why I rarely even drink alchohol.


So I guess I should ask this: if I were to drink in moderation once in while (meaning no more than once every two weeks or so), would that still be pretty detrimental to my health?


No it would not, though alcohol abuse is much more detrimental to your health than marijuana abuse.


Alcohol effects nearly ever organ in your body, and causes significant changes to many neurotransmitters including GABA, Glutamate, Serotonin, Dopamine, etc.. It's really an all around drug that has an amazing, and in ways science has yet to explain, very broad effect on both mind and body. Alcohol can cause seizures upon withdrawal which can result in death.


Marijuana effects primarily your brain and lungs. Heavy marijuana use will cause your lungs to be less healthy, than a non-smoker. There is no doubt that smoking anything is not good for you. As for long-term damage, the lungs can and do repair themselves, and there has never been a reported case of lung cancer, or any cancer for that matter caused by marijuana use alone. While marijuana contains more of certain chemicals than tobacco, tobacco contains more of others. It is believed that certain radioactive isotopes in tobacco smoke cause cancer that are not found in marijuana, which would account for the lack of documented cases of marijuana use only lung cancer. Marijuana users also tend to inhale MUCH LESS SMOKE, than tobacco users contributing to far less respiratory problems in comparison to tobacco users.


Marijuana effects many neurotransmitters, but only indirectly. The primary effect is on the endocannabinoid system where it mimics the effects of anandamide. Cannabinoid metabolites stay in your fat cells long after you cease smoking, and it is believed this a reason that no serious neurochemical imbalances occur after cessation of use. Your brain function returns to normally little by little over a period of time after stopping use, and there is no evidence of long-term mental of cognitive deficits. Marijuana withdrawal unlike alcohol withdrawal will not, and can not kill you.

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