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umm.... i'm kinda in a sticky situation here..... you see, i just read that bulimics don't really lose any weight..... is that true or not..... because... well, i kinda started throwing up and i felt much better and healthier, but wouldn't you lose weight because your stomach never processes what you put into it.......?? im just slightly confused here.... any help would be appreciated... thank you..........

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i know it's not very healthy.... but it makes me feel so damn good inside, and i don't want to stop............. i havn't done it much, only like 2 times..... but i like it........ the power of controlling my weight....... and it still didn't answer my question aout whether it lets you lose weight or not? and i already cut and am all depressed and suicidal although no one knows about this except this person from Holand........ im such a failure.............

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You are not a failure. You can't be a failure at 14 - it's not in the job specifications.


What you are is confused and sad - like many other people your age. So you have to become un-confused so you can be happy. That means you have to talk to someone who can help you. Like your parents, or a school counsellor, or someone from a helpline.


If you can post on here to ask advice then you have the knowledge to be able to get some help. So your new job is to find out who can help and then go and talk to them.


If you find you can't do that, then you can come back on here and one of us, maybe me, will help you. But see if you can help yourself first - it will help your self-confidence. Send me a private message if you need to.

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You may think you feel good now....but if you continue...here is what you feel like and what you will do to your body...and it's not pretty.


Actress Tracey Gold was bulimic and dropped to 80 pounds by throwing up all the time on purpose. She almost died.



Is it harmful? YES. Even though people may be bulimic for years, there are dangers associated with bulimia. The most notable is cardiac arrest or heart attack, which is caused by an electrolyte imbalance of the mineral potassium, a consequence of vomiting or the use of certain diuretics. People who vomit frequently will also lose the enamel from their teeth, which subsequently become sensitive to heat, cold, and acids. Their teeth may eventually decay and fall out. Those who abuse laxatives will find that their own natural body processes cannot function properly when they stop using laxatives, and constipation will result. Stomach ulcers and irritation of the esophagus result from vomiting. More scary, an esophageal rupture could happen the first time, or the two hundredth time, you vomit, and this could kill you. Psychologically, there is depression.


What are the physical complications of bulimia?


* gastrointestinal problems: irritation of esophagus, stomach, salivary glands and throat from persistent vomiting

* damaged or discolored teeth: gastric acids erode tooth enamel

* lung irritation: choking while vomiting causes food particles to lodge in lungs, causing inflammation

* chronic loss of bodily fluids: depletes blood potassium, sodium and chloride levels, resulting in muscle spasms, weakness, irregular heartbeat and kidney disease


Bulimia can cause very serious medical problems and even death. Your blood levels and electrolytes can become severely imbalanced, thereby threatening your vital organs. Permanent damage can be done to your throat or to your normal intestinal functioning; and when you have been vomiting, it irreversibly erodes the enamel on your teeth. Normally, a medical work-up, ongoing medical monitoring, and sometimes dental treatment is required.

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i already teried to talk with a stupid shrink but i could never sort out my thoughts and pain and could never talk to her about any that i did... so she gave up on me..... they don't work..... and know im even down to how many pills it would take me to kill myself...... its just so hard and there's no way out except this,...... im never going to be good enough anmd im such a disapointment... my parents would be sad... but i would never disapoint them again!

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You would totally devastate them and they would feel guilty and hurt for the rest of their lives - they would never get over it. So don't do that to them. Talk to them. The fact you had one stupid shrink who could'nt help doesn't mean there aren't plenty who could. Don't give up just because one was no good. Keep looking until you can find one who can.

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You should maybe see a therapist about your problems, but bulimia can make you go into cardiac arrest, also, when you vomit, stomach acid comes up and burns your throat. I agree with blackgoaty, Terri Schiavo did get the stroke from cardiac arrest from bulimia. Also, it can make you lose your hair, and make you very pale.

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i could never talk to any of my friends because i hide behind a mask with them. In m middle school years i had no friends because i went to school with the smae people and so they knew the real me. Now i go to a completely diff school and so i hide behid a mask and am very secretive. My friends vent everything to me yet do not really notice when every single time i say nothing. i could never talk to a shrink or my parents or my firneds because they do not know i am depressed, or that i cut, or that i am suicidal. They could never know. it's my secret. And no body knows that im starting to be bulimic. talking is not one of my specialties and i can't do it. It's impossible for me to do, and i don' think i will ever be able to do it.

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My friend is suicidal and cuts. And you no what, if I lost her, it'd be the end for me also. Don't let your friends feel the same way. I read on another part of your comments what you wrote, bulimia MIGHT feel good now but it won't feel good later. It's hard to stop, but I'd rather try to stop then losing my life.

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If you're afraid your friends will report you then just say: You probably can't relate to what I'm going through so I wouldn't report me. The best thing you can do for me is to help me through this.

Hopefully they'll get the hint and as you would say to them, they'd help you out.

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you may feel good right now but the health problems as mentioned are endless. yes you'll lose weight doing this--in an unhealthy way. you think you'll look more beautiful? wrong. this type of physical abuse causes a bulemic looking body which is extremely thin and bony and completely unattractive. it also causes your skin to look pale, acne to occur, your hair to thin. and you may feel you have in control when in reality you're losing control. you're becoming addicted to not eating, to laxatives, to throwing up any time you eat--this is what will happen. you lose all control. eating properly is really having control--you know that thrill you feel from throwing up, you'll feel it after eating a healthy meal or a good workout, trust me! without the horrible after taste in your mouth. your body image is completely distorted. if i saw you right now i would probably see the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. plz try and look for more help, anyone. please realize that you are an amazing person and you're worth so much more then this severe abuse you are inflicting upon yourself.

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Hey there - Like the others said - talk to another doctor about the bulimia. It's NOT the way to go. very dangerous, very bad for you. Look at Terri Schiavo. What difference does it make to be thin if you're dead?


Like DN said - you're not a failure! The teen years are rough. I know - I went through them recently. Talk to your parents - talk to people you can trust. They can teach you ways of dealing with your emotions and being a healthy weight without harming yourself.


Take care honey!!!!

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some of my friends have cut and stuff and so they think that someone reporting them helped them but its not good for me and so could never talk to them and i couldn't stand hurting my parents and telling them that i should just die because im not worth it and i throw up what i eat and i cut and i devise suicide plans......... i just can't........

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you are not a failure! you're a wonderful person inside and out. we all care about you here and we want to see you get help. there's nothing to be ashamed of. it's great that you are at least talking to us about it, though. don't worrya bout what others think of you, this is your life. live it. you're not a disappointment. everyone makes mistakes, that's life. just try to move and realize that you are ok. you're just as good as anyone else. you're so young, so much is going to change for you in life. don't give up yet, please. i've been there, i know it hurts. but you can get through this. hang in there, you're gonna be ok. life is hard sometimes, believe me i've had these same feelings. but believe me, suicide is NOT worth it. you're NOT going to feel like this forever. growing up is hard, but i promise very soon there will come a day when you feel much better. you're so young, don't give up now. it's really not worth it. for now try to do things that make YOU happy. watch good movies, listen to good music, hang out with friends, TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING, write, read, exercise, take a walk (it's supposed to help depression). you know, try to occupy your time with things that make you happy. we're all here for you here. we all care about you. you're a special person. you are going to feel better. and again, don't be afrad to talk to more people about the way you are feeling. they are there to help you. remember, you are loved! please don't give up, you've got so much life left to live. if you ever want to contact me, email me at email removed or aim - idioteque182 or msn - email removed or yahoo - silverchair7983


you're not alone! PLEASE check out these sites, they really help


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take care!!

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I was anorexic for quite a while when I was younger, so now how you feel. But I really recommend you get help NOW from a counsellor, therapist, whatever, even though you are just starting.


While I eat now and am very athletic/toned/fit, I still suffer some of the lifelong consequences of my anorexia, and emotionally it will always remain with you if you don't get help. I know what it is like to have body image issues, but please get help before they become too concrete. I still have issues surrounding food, and also often get obsessive about my training...not just because I am competitive but often also due to my concern of putting on weight.

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Unexpected....listen and listen well......


I was bulimic for about a year and it damn near killed me..not only physically but emotionally as well...It's not the answer to your problems and I swear it. And when you quit you begin to lose weight... Weight that you gained because when you starve yourself your body begins to store every ounce of fat it can get..



Im an actress and my voice quality faltered as well....Haven't you noticed the burning in your throat...


The only way to lose weight and feel better is exercise..And I recommend Tae-Bo...(But im a bit addicted to it) When you think about it im sure many people like you for you and you dont need to change for anybody!



I hope that helps at least a bit....

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remember to make sure if you are considering suicide, get rid of everything that can harm you. get rid of anything tempting. tell people to help you out with this too. talking always helps, there are people who want to help you through this. get rid of anything that triggers you. hang in there, there is a better way



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ok, BlackGoaty? That's exactly what you shouldn't say to a bullemic - and I know this because I am one myself, a recovering one. You're just trying to help - which is very cool - but trust me when I say (with kindness) that you're not helping at all.


Victim57, don't freak out - not losing weight doesn't necessarily mean gaining weight. You have not failed in any way whatsoever and do not, for even the breifest of moments, entertain the idea that you have. I know you don't need to be told that practicing bullemia is unhealthy [thanks to all those for giving 57's IQ little to no credit], and I know you have weighed up the consequences of your actions. I did too when I first started. Please contact me if you need to ask questions - I have been bullemic for the last 7 years and in that time my weight has fluctuated between 110lbs - 160lbs. This is the most common effect of bullemia (not those specific weights of course, it will vary from individual to individual) - which is unfortunately why once on the path, it's hard to get off.


However, on the brighter side I am now 125lbs and very healthy (not practicing bullemia), but only by virtue of the lessons learnt during the struggle to find the balance of power. This is your struggle, your business - nobody elses - so own it, take responsibility for it. This is how you are going to learn so pay attention and do whatever it is you have to do. Now, believe me when I say that I am not attempting to endorse bullemia - we both know it's not healthy - but I want you to understand that it's not a sin, and it is nobody's place to condemn it as such. When life gets too much for a lot of people they drink alcohol - when life gets too much for us we binge and purge. It's all the same. And feel free to tell anyone who says differently to ... well, you know... do something that rhymes with: wet plucked.


Please contact me if you need to: email removed I won't encourage you in your pursuit but I will answer any questions because you deserve to know. I think you're very brave - bullemia aint for the faint of heart.

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