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I dont kno if this is the fourm that i should be posting it but it seemed closest so here it goes...I will randomly out of no where just get bruises all over my body from all over my legs to my arms to up by my rips my back every where... it looks lke i get beat ((but i totaly dont)) and i get embarrassed when werain shorts and shortsleeves bcuz people always question it...ive told my mom about it but she thinks im just running into things...but im not bcuz i can wake up in teh morning with 15 new bruises...if ne1 has ne suggestuions on what this might be or if there is ne way i can get rid of it ((with out my mom knoin bcuz she doesnt believe me)) please help! thanks for ne advice that is givin!

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Did you notice when exactly they appeared ?

You could have disturbed sleeping and hit yourself on something nearby or stop your circulation of blood while having an arm or whatever beneath your body and then you scratch without knowing (you're asleep) and you get with bruises. That's one possiblity I see.

Give us more details, observe when it appears and how much time it lasts.

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yes...i think BYOB may be correct. It could be that you bruise very easily and you are tossing and turning while sleeping. Maybe you hit your hands and feet on stuff???


Where on your body do you notice the bruises??


Maybe try just hitting yourself (not to hard now, just enough to see if u bruise easily) somewhere u don't have a bruise then wait and see if one shows up.

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well if i get hit i dotn bruise at all and i dont move at all when i sleep i never have and the bruises r mostly on my legs arms and some near my ribs.....for example when i woke up yesterday morning i had no bruises and by the tiem i woke up this morning i have almost 5 on one leg and as teh day progressed i got mroe and they just appear...idn if thats ne more info to help you guys but yea

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A bruise occurs from internal bleeding, hence a ruptured or damaged vessel, hence the only thing i could possibly think of is that you are somehow rupturing blood vessels (capillaries most likely) due to some type of unknown cause.

Have you ever had problems with your skin being very sensitive? Do certain types of makeps, soaps, detergents make your skin get irritated easily? do you wear very tight clothing? try pinching your skin or sucking on your arm for like 10-15 seconds, and see if it gets really red or even bruised, this could perhaps tell you if you just have sensitive skin. Nothing dramatic to worry about at your age, but it might not be as simple to deal with as you get older, since your body wont heal as quickly and easily then.

Even though you didnt state anything about it, do you have any type of blood pressure fluctuations, anemia, hemophilia or other medical conditions which might possibly be related to this? Blood vessels are composed of certain types of proteins and various cell molecules, and if you're deficient in certain type of nutrients, or your body lacks production of certain enzymes or mechanisms, then the blood vessel membranes wont be as rigid, and can be prone to these type of experiences you're dealing with.

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You should really go to a doctor. A friend of my mom's son has this problem where he gets bruises for no reason. He has to go to a doctor to get it treated still... they don't know yet exactly what it is but you have to get bone marrow biopsies every 6 months and platelet transfusions but they're going away slowly.

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thanks for all ur feedback and help i really wish my mom would believe me that this could be a serious problem but she doesnt and she wotn take me to the doctor i told her some of the stuff you guys are telling me and she keeps saying its bcuz im gettin hit or i run into something...and i keep telling her im not soo thanks for all the help and i just hope sometimw in the near future my mother will take me to the doctor befor this gets too serious

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Hey there - i don't want to frighten you, but unexplained bruising and tiredness are a symptom of leukemia. my dad died of it. (It's rare, but some people do get it.) Go to the doctor and get some routine blood work done to count your blood cells. And do it soon!

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i think i know what your talking about. does it look like thin streaks like something scratched you at nigth? well if that is the case ive had a lot of friends who have experienced this before. i really dont know what it is but i just want to let you know that your not alone.

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someone say to tell your mom that u want to go to the doctor for something completely different. That could work. Maybe try asking someone you trust, ex, Boyfriend, Dad, brother or a good friend etc. Maybe you can also take a taxi or maybe public transportation????

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