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Should I walk away?


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So, im dating this guy i've been dating this guy for seven months now. He drinks a lot, but most of the time I just try and ignore it despite os what he says. Yesterday he texted me around 2am saying he was feeling very sad(he has depression and sometimes it gets really worse) and started to talk about how he was tired of his life and how he isnt going anywhere(same job for years, tried to make it as musician but it didnt worked out) and then began to say how I am wasting my time with him, that I should find someone better than him, because one day I will wake up and realize what a loser he is. I told him that it isnt true, he works hard, pays his bills, just bought a new car and that his life IS moving foward. When I said "I love you, I care about you" he responded with "I know, and Im sorry Im too hurt to apreciate it and to give you what you deserve, I just cant let anyone else in". He dated his ex for 5 years, even rented a house together, but she left him and I know it really broke him.


I do love him very much and I want to help him but idk what to do after what he said.

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This guy is a depressed alcoholic -- you can't help him, only he can help himself. He needs to quit drinking and get therapy. Until he does the work, he is not going to be able to be a decent partner. You cannot save him and you have other things to do in life, like take care of yourself. Should you walk away? Yes. If he shows up again in three years having finished therapy and having been a sterling member of AA for years, if you are single, you might consider dating him again.

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I totally agree with arjumand. A drunk makes the worst partner. They are up and down with their emotions, they whine, they cry, they manipulate, they argue and they drink too damn much to be of any use to anyone. This man needs help and you cant give it to him. He will have to hit bottom before he'll seek out AA. Should you walk away? Yes. At least until he gets his sh*t together.

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