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Have you been taking the pills at the same time every day? I forgot to take my pills at the same time for a few days, and I ended up taking them anywhere from 3 to 12 hours later than I normally do. As a result, I had a two week period (this was during the third week in the pack). At this point, I had been on birth control for over two years.


How long have you been on the pill? If you've only been on it for a few months, this could just be some breakthrough bleeding. However, if you are taking them on time and have been taking them for a while, it might not be a bad idea to call your doctor if you are still bleeding in a few days.

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Honey, I'm a medical transcriptionist....and I've seen this quite a few times...it's not really an uncommon thing for teen girls who have just started taking the pill to have bleeding inbetween periods.

The combination of your age, your already raging hormones, and introducing a new hormone(oral contraceptive), commonly causes bleeding between periods. I wouldn't worry. You should be evened out within a few months.

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did you forget to take a pill maybe. I did that once and It started me on my period, what are you taking, Im taking yasmen. Well if there is no possibility that you could have missed a pill, I think you should call your dr. You don't even have to make an appointment yet, just call him or her and tell them what happened, then if they want you to come in take it from there. I'm sure you are fine, but im not a dr. You really need to call whoever perscribed it to you.

good luck,


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Well Usually you only have to take it at the exact same time a day only if you are tring not to get pregnant, but even if It's just for bad periods you should try to take it at the same time everyday, or you can confuse your body and it will start it's period. the pills trick your body into thinking it is pregnant so you don't have your period until the end of the pill cycle when you start taking the ones that make you have your period at the end of every month (every three months in some cases). Try either taking it when you wake up in the morning (first thing) or if you go to bed at a certin time at night take it then.Make it a habbit, or it can mess your cycle up. I would still call your dr though k, cause it is possible that you could need a higher dose, a diff medication or a number of different things. Good luck


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I've been on the pill a long time...ive taken my pills sometimes a day late..this is the first time this has happened.




It was the first time it had happened to me too, but I am pretty sure it happened because of all of the stress I was under in addition to the fact that I didn't take it on time for two days in a row. A phone call to the doctor certainly never hurt.

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