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I am not shure of sexuality and some issues.

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well im 13 (just turned) amd well when a guy has a boner I wonder is he gay? and sometimes I look at men when they bend over or during wrestlieng When a friend has a boner I wonder if theyre gay and feel a little attracted towards them. I dont want to be gay because they make fun of them but I just feel an attraction towards men. I sometimes find myself looking at men hwen therye getting ready to dive in my swimming team.

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well ur indeed young but i think ur just confused about wut u like it could be that since girls have rejected u so much u start looking at guys and thinking it will be diffrent with them well my answer is try to get a gay friend or by and aske them about the way they think hope it i helped

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Don't worry too much about this yet. Everything in your behavior sounds perfectly normal for any guy your age. All guys your age, straight and gay, check out other guys in the locker rooms and are fascinated by them. All guys, straight and gay, try not to look at girls. It is something you've been taught to do, that's why you're doing it.


Being gay isn't so much about checking guys out so much as falling in love. I always suspected I was gay from about 14, but I didn't know for certain until I was 19 and fell in love.


Also- it is possible at your age to even fall in love with guys and still be straight. This gets sorted out as you get older.


My advice would be simply not to worry. You sound perfectly normal and you will find out more as you get older.

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  • 1 month later...

you're worrying too much. there is nothing wrong with looking. all guys your age look at other guys and at girls. You ( and they) are just trying to see how others look. its all perfectly normal. this is no time to try and figure out if your gay or bi or straight or some combination in between. Just enjoy being who you are. and don't worry about having "feelings" for some other guy too. that's normal too. just relax and celebrate the person that you are.

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