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Post all your PROM concerns here. It's a big time for us high schoolers around the US and wherever you are.... issues? suggetions? need to vent about prom? need a date still and the days are ticking by fast?


post here... lets see everyone's situation and see if we can better it!





Here's mine I asked a girl today (friday) she said she would think about it and let me know. Her friend said she would say yes it's just what they do. This was at lunch... I didn't hunt her down after school or anything because I didn't want to make her think I'm just a female hungry freak. So I guess I'll find out on monday. I've gotten screwed over once... a girl said she would go... then she backed out after buying her dress. So I asked this girl (her sister is real cool along with her mom), but she is a freshman. I don't really see anything wrong with it if we just go as friends... which we are but why would she say she would think about it. My mind is in shambles and I don't know how to take this.

I don't want my previous situation to happen again... that really sucked and sent me into a world of anger and hate for about a week.


so what's your suggestions?


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hey, ya prom is an important and stressful time lol. Well i saw your post on my topic and i couldn't call, cuz i don't have the number, BUT i asked her today and she said yes. So ya.


As for you, i don't think it looks to good man, sorry, but when they say that, it's not good. I asked out a girl a little while ago and she said the same type of thing then the next day was brave enough to turn me down. Which i why i'm hoping i can last a week or two with this girl i asked to prom and her still wanting to go with me lol, i'm not very confident in that manner, although it seemed like she wanted to.


Anyway, good luck

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Prom is the most overrated event of ALL time...


it's a terrible way for high school's to make money and excuses for people to have sex...


If I want to dance, I'm not gonna dance for 50$ + Dinner + Limo...


Anyways, MY g/f on the other hand adores the whole idea of prom.


I told her I'm not gonna go, if I do go ever... It will be my senior year, not sure how she took it, but she said she is still gonna go with her friends. I didn't really care, but I still have a hard time thinking she will be alone with a bunch of other guys who have 1 thing in there head the night of prom. Bah Prom is so overrated, and I don't know why so many women are head over heels about it.

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Just thought I'd add this to your post, just incase any of you have an oppinion, or advice


(this was a post of mine from yesterday)


Today I was planning to ask a girl I know out to Prom. She and I sat and talked, just as we normally would, before I could muster up the courage to shoot the Q. This wasn't until the next period in school when I had decided I would ask. As I awaited an opportune moment to do so, she randomly says, " I have to find a way to fit into my Prom dress". I said, " are you kidding me", saying so because she is quite slender and physically fit. I then said, "your going to Prom", she said, "yes", so then I asked who she was going with, hoping she would say nobody, leaving me with a perfect time to ask. But then she said she was going with a certain guy, one who I know is not a quality kind of person that will respect her for who she is and also an underclass men, (she and I are both seniors). With this said, my mood dramatically dropped and I lost some self confidence. I have a strong feeling that she is attracted to me and I to her. She does stuff like the eye contact thing, laughs at a lot of stuff I say(in a sincere way), somewhat copies what I do, and smiles at me all the time. Also, when I sit very close to her, instead of an row appart but in the same desk (seats two), she appears to act nervous, constantly playing with her finger nails, checking her phone, the clock, and fooling with her hair. Is this good or bad? Also she was wearing a skirt today, she would cross and uncross her legs switching sides while rocking her foot back and forth, is this good or bad? Any way, I'm considdering telling her that I was going to ask her to prom before she told me that she had a date, or asking her out to dinner. I don't know if I should do this, considdering that this could alienate her trust in me because she allready has a date, whom in quite frankely way below her. I don't know how she would react if I did tell her, or ask her out to dinner, it almost seems like she was desperate accepting the date proposal from this guy, so it could be favorable or unfavorable for me. Should I tell her my inital plans to ask her to Prom, or ask her out to dinner, or should I just let her go, which is something I don't want to do. Please, if anyone has any advice, I would be very greatful for any enlightenment on the situation

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I didn't go to my jr or sr prom in HS. It's overrated as one poster said here. And if you ask a girl right there and they have to THINK ABOUT IT!?!? Just say screw 'em and move on to asking another girl if you still want to go badly. No use waiting around for some broad to make her mind up when you can go ask someone else. And IMO if they want to go w/you they'll say yes right there and not say they have to think about it.


To the originator of this thread...just tell this girl to forget about it and go find someone else whether than waste time waiting for her to respond b/c as someone else said it doesn't look to great right now.

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Dude, its not prom, its the girl. I dont care much for prom, its just the fact some other guy, an underclassmen for god sakes, is taking her. I know this must of been an act of desperation on her part because this guy is a deuche. I just hope she doesnt fall for him at prom, I've been attracted to her for a while, but didn't notice that she was attracted to me until now. I'm not sure what to do, I dont want to loose her

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Prom is the most overrated event of ALL time...


it's a terrible way for high school's to make money and excuses for people to have sex...


If I want to dance, I'm not gonna dance for 50$ + Dinner + Limo...


Anyways, MY g/f on the other hand adores the whole idea of prom.


I told her I'm not gonna go, if I do go ever... It will be my senior year, not sure how she took it, but she said she is still gonna go with her friends. I didn't really care, but I still have a hard time thinking she will be alone with a bunch of other guys who have 1 thing in there head the night of prom. Bah Prom is so overrated, and I don't know why so many women are head over heels about it.


I didn't go to my prom, partly becuase I was a loser and other reasons.

When you get older you will realize that the prom is part of American culture and you should never miss going!

I regret not going.. and missing out on such an important american tradition.

But you will probably not realize this until your older.. and especially if you don't go.

So GO!

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Im not from the USA, but we have proms too, however we don't always call them proms... actually what does 'prom' mean? Prominard? Hmmm


Anyway, from all the other prom's I have been to, you didn't really ever need a date. Sometimes I just go with a bunch of girl mates, and then no-one really knows or not - thats probably what I'll do this time too.

Most people just get drunk though, and chat, and dance (but not really much 1 on 1 slow dancing).


Prom's, I think for me atleast, are one of those fairytale things that in real life isn't at all fairytale'ish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

great news.


well i went from being let down, to denied... to taking 3 girls hahaha


yea go me. how? well 3 of my best friends are going together and they just asked me what I was doing today and said it'd be more convienant if i was around? i said okay and jumped on board!




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What's the point of a prom anyways? It's just another excuse to blow a bunch of money, listen to bad music, and make a fool of ourselves. It exerts far to much pressure on people to make everything right because it has to be just perfect.


I never went, never wanted, no regrets. You can have more fun reading a good book. Or if you really want to be with a group, arrange some cheaper, more fun "anti-prom" gathering. Go ice skating, bowling, anything. You get all the fun without all the hassle.

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For me, and likely for the people who enjoy prom and are excited for it...it's more than just a dinner/dance plus sex. Which isn't so bad anyway


It signifies the end of High school, the end of all the hard work for many, and also the end of alot of friendships. It's a celebration with meaning, and thats why I want to go to my prom. Believe me...I definitely don't want to go to dance, I hate dancing

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It signifies the end of High school, the end of all the hard work for many, and also the end of alot of friendships. It's a celebration with meaning, and thats why I want to go to my prom. Believe me...I definitely don't want to go to dance, I hate dancing


Yeah, I don't like dancing either.


I don't know if your high school is anything like mines was, but there were so many events that signified the end of high school it was rediculous. There was the prom, senior boat dance, grad trip, a day right before graduation where they had picnics at various places, senior luncheon, those expensive class rings, and like a week after graduation, the "Last dance." If you want something to remember high school by, fine. But do you really need all that or is it just a money pit trying to pray off of feelings of nostalgia?


You can have a celebration with meaning in so many other ways. You don't have to buy into this notion that the prom is so important. And if these friendships are true friendships, they will last through whatever obstacles arrive.


That only applies to seniors. What's the deal with Junior prom? Did juniors get upset or jealous and want there own prom? Or was it an excuse to get more money from people? Why not a Sophmore and Freshman Prom too? So much for your prom being a once in a lifetime experience, you get it twice.

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I used to say, "F--- prom, what a waste." Now that I have a girlfriend though I have changed my opinion. We are going. I am actually excited about it. I am getting some rented tuxedo and also renting a Porsche to the prom. Never had either one of those. I am going to take this girl to a $25 dollar per person meal restaurant, which she has probley never been to that kind of quality before. Anyway, I feel like this is one night for everyone to try to impress people, and I am going to take advantage of the situation.

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DonDon, If I had a gf my opinion would be identical to yours. Since I don't, and the girl I was gonna ask allready had a date my view on prom stays the same, waste of money. If I had a date or gf, I would be pleased to spend money on dinner, a tux, the tickets etc... I would have loved to have gone to prom if I had a date or gf, but since I dont, I'd rather save my money for something else, maybe for a future date

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So the prom is about impressing people? Why? Should you really care about what others think or should you be focused on what you, and hopefully a partner, thinks? Try a romantic dinner alone, and a private dance at some peaceful romantic spot. There's love.


Fancy spancy, food is food. What matters is that you are together. It's not about the outfit, the transportation, the meal, the dance.... all that matters is that the two of you are together and that you care about each other and make it special.

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It signifies the end of High school...


I'm signifying my end of high school by staying at home and relaxing with my friends not doing much of anything, and saying to ourselves, "Boy am I glad I'm done with high school".


Though I have yet to go to a high school dance. I went to one dance in middle school, but it was pretty lame. No one dances. At my high school anyways, prom tickets are priced at around $130! I think a nice dinner on the time w/o the overload of expenses is more me.


...plus I don't know the first thing about dancing (I can always learn though). There's so many rules on dancing nowadays, it's crazy. They have that 45 degree rule into affect, and all of administration is observing throughout the night, so you can't TOTALLY relax.

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130 dollars for tickets!! wow that's really expensive, i thought the 30 dollars i'm paying was a good chunk of change. Anyway, i thought i'd chip in a few thoughts on prom. Yes, i think it's over-hyped, and for most people i guess it could be a good excuse to get some at the end of the night/morning, but with the group of people i hangout with, that isn't even in our mind. I'm just going to have an awesome time with a girl that i asked and even though i can't dance and have been extremely afraid to dance in public at school, i'm going to do it anyway because some things are worth going through...

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Hey Nick, when you talk to that girl again, why not say something to her like "Damn, that guy beat me to asking you to the Prom, because I was going to do it."


I went to 8 different Proms, and they were all ok, but nothing I really remember. My own High schools' prom was pretty crappy, but I didnt regret going.

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