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Everything posted by Itsme12

  1. is there a girl form of a boner?
  2. i hate that the senior guys ask a whole bunch of underclassmen to prom when there are tons of senior girls without dates....its ridiculous
  3. ok i like this guy but he has a girlfriend already. do i have a right to tell him or should i not say anything because hes already taken. he liked me two years ago but i didnt like him at the time. hes been with his current girlfriend for a year now. hes very flirty with me still. i dont know what to do
  4. I am 17 and have partial. If you dont know what that is its basically a retainer type thing with fake teeth on it. It fills in my four front teeth on the bottom and its not permanent - meaning i can take it out. Im afraid that when i kiss someone he might pop it out. I dont know if i should say something before we kiss about it so he doesnt freak and think my teeth are falling out or if i should just not say anything. This isnt a very typical problem for a 17-year-old to have so i think either way it will be weird. Any advice would be great!
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