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Hey everyone, It has been 2 months since the break up and almost 3 weeks since I told her to never contact me again. The break up was one of the hardest things I've ever endured. I have hit the lowest of lows, and I saw myself resorting to alcohol to soothe my pain. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I didn't want to look like this again and wallow in self pity.


I took control of my life. Today is my last day work, and I will be starting my new job in another state on Monday. In a way, it feels like a scene out of Bridget Jones' Diary. I'm very excited to move on, and I packed up everything that I had. There is only one thing that I haven't packed, the Ex. One reason that I wanted to leave it all behind is that there are so many memories here, and I get tossed back into depressed mode when I come encounter with these place. I see the same bench, our favorite restaurant, the local movie theatre, and things like that. This is not the main reason though. I need to grow, find myself again, and learn to be alone. What better way to do it but to move and start all over again in the company of great friends. My main goal out of all of this is to get back the same person that I was before the relationship. I lost a sense of myself in the whole thing.


I guess this post is not me pleading, but informing all of my friends here on this forum that life does go on. Even if you have to force yourself to be happy, pretty soon, you won't have to force yourself at all. Live life to the fullest. Pretend today is your last day. Enjoy the sun. Forgive and forget. More importantly, find out who you are. This is a great forum b/c there is always someone here that feels your pain and wants nothing but for you to be happy. I couldn't have reached this stage of my life without you. Keep it real and the fire burning. -PEACE!

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