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Long distant relationship taking a toll


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Hi Guys, I need your guidance. I have been dating a great guy for 2 years now. He is much older than me - 15 years apart I am 31. We live 2 worlds apart but that's not been a real issue as we travel out to visit one another quite often. My issue with this relationship is that he refuses to communicate, he always has excuses when he has to call me, respond to text messages or just to sit down and talk about where our relationship is going on plans for the future (since we are in a distant relationship and have been together for 2 years). Even for very important milestones in my life where I am very proud and need him to call and congratulate me seems like a mountain to climb for him.Further to this, my work just offered me a job where he lives (HR is aware of my distant relationship, and are interested to have me in his country if we plan to be together) but he doesn't seem keen or interested to discuss it further with me. I don't even know how he feels about the job as we never even discussed it. He mentioned he would call to discuss it but it hasn't happened yet. I am very excited for the job offer that will pay 3 times more than I earn now, move to be with him and potentially spend the rest of our lives together. I have told HR I will revert back to them, but I would have jumped at the opportunity if it was the other way round. What should I do ?

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Thanks for your response

I mean he does text and whatsapp and calls. But each time he does it's almost like he is in a rush to hang up or go. And the funny thing is that I am 100% sure he is not cheating! He is an investment banker and lives in Geneva where people only care about work and money and marriage not so much a priority. He mentioned previously that he is interested in a long term relationship and has met my family and I his. He just won't communicate - I wouldn't tell you anything about his week last week or any other week for that matter because he simply won't open up or even give me any platform to discuss my feelings or what I'm going through!

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My issue with this relationship is that he refuses to communicate

You can't have an LDR with inconsistent or lack of communication.


Further to this, my work just offered me a job where he lives (HR is aware of my distant relationship, and are interested to have me in his country if we plan to be together) but he doesn't seem keen or interested to discuss it further with me. I don't even know how he feels about the job as we never even discussed it. He mentioned he would call to discuss it but it hasn't happened yet.

My gut feeling is that he might be seeing somebody else while he's staying in contact with you. It makes it seem like he's got something to hide. If this guy loved you, he would be overjoyed (my husband was STOKED when I was finally able to move to his area after being in an LDR for a few years).


In addition, I wouldn't have shared with a future employer about a dating relationship. Because an employer can easily think of it as, "ok, and if she breaks up with her boyfriend, will she still stay with the company or abruptly leave and we have to find/hire somebody else in the middle of projects?" It's way too personal to share that type of information. Keep it neutral. All they needed to know is that you have a place to stay... And don't go further than that.


Personaly, I would have second thoughts about how faithful your boyfriend is based on his reaction. He seems sketchy.

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I am very excited for the job offer that will pay 3 times more than I earn now

I would do some research on the area's taxes first before accepting the job in another country. From what I've read, Switzerland takes an average of 20% of your salary for taxes, and forgeiners pay more. I would ask HR that question if I were you.

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I'd operate my livelihood in my own best interests independently of any input from a man who's reluctant to give it.


I'd ask myself, "If I knew that this man would offer me no more than what he does today--no less, but no more--would I stay involved, or would I walk away?" If the answer is stay, then keep the status quo and skip discussions of moving in together and move into your own place with the new job. If the answer is walk on, then the next question becomes, "When?"

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