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Theres a girl i have my eye on at school and we have already went out.. I went really well and had sooo much in common, which was really cool, because my ex and I were like complete opposites. Since we went out, which was last Fri I emailed her letting her know how much I enjoyed the time we spent together. The strange thing is she never emailed me back. She told me she had a great time and wanted to do something again. I realize she is busy and has alot going on right now, so maybe I should back off. I dont want to let her think im not interested in her. When I saw her the other day I asked her if she wanted to do something this weekend and she was up for it. Im confused, maybe shes playing a game with the email, maybe shes not into me.... I just would like some advice, I really think shes great and would like to spend more time with her, it has been like 2 years since I've dated since my last break up and I find this one so worth it!!! Please help with the mixed messages..!

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