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Kissing him over jealousy

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Oh no! Im in a big jam right now. Recently me boyfriend and I andrew broke up, and now he likes my friend Courtney. Courtney likes this kid named Philip, and I saw Andrew and Courtney huggin in the hall, and I heard they were going out, so I kissed Philip to get Courtney back....Now the thing is I dont like Philip like that and now were going out.....How do i get myself into these things? I love Andrew so much, and I want to get him back....maybe I didnt look at things the right way, and now Philip is gonna get hurt.....now what

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I agree. If you don't like Philip, break up with him. Unfortunately, you're going to have to accept the fact that Andrew and Coutney are dating (if that is indeed the case) and move on. Maybe not date anyone for a while until you are over Andrew. Don't try to do anything to make Andrew or Courtney jealous or to break them up...it will most likely backfire and make you look bad. I know it's hard, but you need to move on from Andrew.

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Oh no! Im in a big jam right now. Recently me boyfriend and I andrew broke up, and now he likes my friend Courtney. Courtney likes this kid named Philip, and I saw Andrew and Courtney huggin in the hall, and I heard they were going out, so I kissed Philip to get Courtney back....Now the thing is I dont like Philip like that and now were going out.....How do i get myself into these things? I love Andrew so much, and I want to get him back....maybe I didnt look at things the right way, and now Philip is gonna get hurt.....now what


That is a lot of drama I honestly think you get into these things as either you can't say no, or are rushing into things too fast, or are too worried about what other people will think, or are afraid to be on your own for some reason.


Don't use people to get back at other people...revenge never is that sweet.


I think you should break it off with Phillip if you don't really like him, but be nice about it. Accept that Andrew has moved on (ie don't interfere) and maybe try and be on your own a bit unless you really WANT to be with someone specific (other than Andrew as he is going out with someone).

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