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Broke up w me outta the blew, why?


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Hi. My boyfriend of over 2 years has recently broken up w me. Completely out of the blue. And I am desperate for answers, so hopefully posting on here I can have some type of closure or answer. So we've dated for 2 years, and everything was amazing. It was the relationship I've been dying to have after being heartbroken before. And yesterday night. He finally messaged me back after ignoring me for over 24 hrs. And he says, that's he tired of us. And I wonder how. In truth we've only had one big blow out but that happened a year back ago. But you know every now and then, we have arguments like every relationship does. And I can admit I start them cause I am a jealous type even though I try my hardest to not react like that. And I apologize for that. But then again he does has his flaws but I didn't care cause I was InLove W him. Still am Tbh. And Friday we went to movies and ate dinner, everything was amazing he paid, I say thank you always. I appreciate it when he does. And during the movies I asked him what he would like to do after, go home relax like telling him whatever he wants, he said let's go home and sleep. I agree. Not to mention his cousin and sister came along. And his cousin happen to mention the casino but me being underage can't go. Then when the movie is over, all of sudden he flip flops on me saying he's not tired and wants to go to the casino and not to mention he does this to me all the time. He basically lies to me. Like why couldn't he say that in the beginning.? And I say, okay take me home then. Drops me off and I say bye and Walk off cause I didn't wanna make a seen infront of his family. And the thing is, is that he always changes his mind like that to me. And it gets me mad cause why not say something, and later that night I apologize if I acted a certain way. And nothing for 24 hrs. Until late last night he texts me saying we should break up. And I am so lost and miserable rn. I don't get it we were so amazing 72 hrs ago? I know I have flaws but he does also. But just early today I remember he gets depression. And every story I've read on here sounds exactly like my probably when there husbands or wife's gets depression. Cause he acted this same way when he had a episode a while back ago. Is it that? I just closure, a answer, something. I feel so helpless and upset. I feel like I lost a bestfriend. Idk I just want a true answer. Usually depression gives people mini/long episodes. And I wonder if it's a episode that's going to last a while. Or him just being a and leaving me out of the blue. If it is depression I told him to go to classes and get help. I just want to know please someone.

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It sounds to me that both of you are still young. That is one reason why your boyfriend changes his mind quickly about something. And don't point out that he has his shortcomings just like you do. Why he broke you? Maybe he wants a space. Maybe you are only doing the same things/activities over and over again and not trying something else. Try to talk to him and ask him why he is breaking up with you. Listen to his reasons. Don't try to get back to him. Let him realize that breaking up with you is wrong. If he really loves you, he will come back.

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How were things amazing?


You says he lies to you all the time, changes his mind about plans with you, you have jealous episodes and so on. It doesn't sound as though the relationship was as great as you're now claiming. What does he lie about?


It's impossible for any of us to guess if he is suffering a depressive episode, but that would be for a doctor to diagnose. I'm not sure what "classes" you're referring to. Depressed people require medical attention.


As the above poster said, you both sound quite young. If he lies to you or you cannot control your jealousy, this probably isn't a relationship that should continue anyway. It's not healthy.

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