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So confused. Please answer!


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If you feel that you want to kiss someone after a date, wouldn't you call that a spark. I mean if the spark wasn't there .. you wouldn't feel that you want to kiss them. Right? ... Esp if you know your date wanted you to kiss them.

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for me personally, i'll be on a date and if it seems to be going well and that we have chemistry i will kiss them. and if the kiss feels "right" i consider that a spark. then again, there can be emotional sparks too like if you just are on the same wavelength and agree on everything and seem to mirror that person in all ways. i guess it depends on the person tbh. sometimes when you kiss someone you feel nothing. sometimes when you kiss someone it just feels "right".. but then again. you might feel a spark and they might not. sorry, hope that helps somehow. lol

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I don't necessarily believe a spark has to be because of a kiss. There can be heat, and an electric connection by touching their hand or sitting close to them and your vibes are strong.


I do agree that wanting to kiss someone is based off attraction not a spark.

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