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So if he's bi, what does that mean?

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Is he incapable of being in a monogamous relationship? Honestly I'm not a jealous type but I really don't know what I'd be getting myself into. I mean I really don't get the whole bisexual thing. He's the only one I've met, that I'm aware of meeting anyway. I have never had such strong feelings towards a guy in my life, and I really wish I could forget about him but there is some connection there.


If I think about how I want to see him, I will, it's like when I think of how I miss talking with a family member and then they call or show up at my door. It's a real connection. I can't allow him to get to close to me because the feelings are just so strong it freaks me out. I want to understand where he's coming from, and he is the one person I can't figure out. I think he's feeling the same thing because there's a buffer zone, and when he realized I knew about it he was shocked. A female friend of his has befriended me to get information (he didn't think I noticed).


I don't know there's a lot going on in my head about this guy. He intrigues me for sure, but I don't know if it's a good thing or a stay far far away thing.

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Just as straight's gay's are able to stay monogomaus so are bi's -it's not a matter of your sexual preference but your character and own morals/values. So of course there are also those who won't be able to be faithful.


Of course I can see your fear as with a bi person you always wonder if you are quite enough since they are missing out on half of what they are attracted to!


I think you would have to treat it as any other relationship where you just have to trust the person and learn their character/morals for yourself.

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